Espionage is designed to study new and more effective methods of exploration. The more evolved the technology, the more information the player has about the events in his environment. The difference in the levels of espionage with the opponent plays a crucial role - the more studied your own spy technology, the more information is contained in the intelligence and the less chance of being detected. The more spies sent the more details about the enemy gathered, but the danger to be discovered is also increased. Also, espionage improves the locating of foreign fleets.
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The level of development of the own espionage is also important. Starting from level 2, along with the warning about incoming attack the total number of units involved in the attack will be shown. At level 4, the types of attacking units are also recognized. At level 5, it will be possible to determine the characteristics of any planet. At level 8, exact numbers for each type of attacking units will be shown. At level 10, information about activity at the object will be included in spy report. The composition of fleets that are in hold of the object will be displayed in the spy report from level 11. For the raiders, this technology is very important because it provides information about what fleet and/or protection the victim has, so it should be explored as early as possible, preferably before the first flights. Each level of the technology also increases the capacity of your spies by 10%.