Resources fount on your planet occasionally, You know what i am talking about if u have looked around your planet ;

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I have a suggestion if i may. The occasional resources you find on your planet(s), i find they seem to have the same amount range as constant like 1-3000 i suppose. But dont think the higher lvl players bother to search for them anymore. So to make things better and find a good surprise for a change, maybe raise the amounts a bit higher? So when your fleet is destroyed and such, at least you have a good way to scratch up some to start the rebuilding process too (if you are a lower lvl player or whatnot). How about increase the range of resources you can find on your planet like lets say by Score:

score 0 - 1000 - res range 1-5000
score 1001-10000 - res range 1-10000
score 10001-25000 - res range 1-50000
etc (can be optimized, it's not like the amounts i suggested are fixed as they are)

Then at least ppl are more active and not too quick to quit the game and can enjoy it a bit more. What do you guys think of this idea?
29 December 2016 19:11:23
29 December 2016 19:11:23


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