Сообщения пользователя: Valentin999

Сообщение #2079
Цитата: polargris
данного ника на странице http://xcraft.ru/overview.php#online , без подгрузки всего списка

А что в нем читерского?

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Тема: Перенос планеты caxarok по просьбе игрока | 10 Октября 2015 17:39:43
Сообщение #2078
Все ясно что

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Тема: Tutorial | 7 Октября 2015 15:11:34
Сообщение #2077
Saves. Very important!

Saves - sending your fleet and resources in flight at the time of your absence in the game or in case of enemy attack.

In any case, it is important that the fleet would be back-if you're already online, and be able to control the fleet.

There are many different types of saves, the easiest - simply send the fleet somewhere (processing, even worse - an attack), but it is better to learn saves correctly.

In this game, one of the species is quite good saves (in the early stages, until you have the moon) is the "save game to a non-existent entity." The meaning of the saves that you find in the "Galaxy" position without moon and without effect, and send these coordinates, the object "Luna / Essence", the Navy with the mission of "Relocation" in such a way that-be during his return you were online.

How it works: a fleet reaches the target, it reveals that "Moon / Essence" is not there, and canceled. This is the key - not just coming back and canceled.
The fact that, at a certain stage of development, your enemies will start to use features such as scanning planets "key" and "Touch phalanx." A "canceled" mission redeployment touch phalanx is not visible. While you should just remember that details - later. Also, if you have the moon, I recommend saves from it - it is seriously reduces the chance to catch your fleet (moon phalanx scans and key).

In Professional Mode, saves the process of sending the fleet is as follows:

The process saves, if you use a step by step standard mode of sending the fleet:

I draw your attention that it is desirable to operate the points - "to adjust to the time of return" is necessary after "select the desired fleet." Of course, you need to set the coordinates of the other - not far from their planet. It may be a neighboring system, or through multiple systems. It is worth noting that this is not the most ideal way saves - a fleet so you can catch. How to catch these fleets is a different story, I can tell you in a personal or a sufficient number of interested - write a separate guide. And then I describe the method saves, in which the meanest possible. The point is that-be manually cancel the fleet, before he flies to the moon / Essence. That is, you need to go to the game for N minutes before the fleet reaches the defunct Moon / Essence and cancel (button) fleet. Immediately, I note specifically what this improvement does not necessarily - it needs only a very high-stage players - with more than 1000000 points! So that, of course, until you can not bother this complexity.

Generally, in principle, if you want to merge, then you merge virtually any type of saves, except for a single, but at levels of up to a million points to a nonexistent entity saves enough. About saves to guarantee the safety of fatty tops write think it is not necessary, they are also fat tops. : lol:

However, the conventional save game described in the picture - a must! Do not forget to save game!
Тема: Tutorial | 7 Октября 2015 13:06:11
Сообщение #2076
Infection planets. Queen.
Zerg Queen can infect Metal mine , mine minerals, wells Strip Vespa or research laboratories Terran. Tell you what benefits it gives ksergu how to do it, well, a few words about how the Terrans can prevent it.
So, to infect someone else's mine or labs (lab) to be sent to the planet with no contaminated mine / Labem (if the building is infected by another player, infect it does not work, this information is visible when the spy) Queen (or several queens) with the mission of "Infection. .... ". If you win the fight, and the queen will die at the same time it will infect the construction specified in the mission. While infecting capacity of the queen increases 10 times, after filling it flies away to his home by yourself (for you). On the percentage of infected resources affects the level of Evolution of contamination. The change does not affect the percentage of already infected objects (percentage change, if the "hand in these" new queen to existing mine with the same mission). Infection Laboratory is only necessary for the construction of some units / buildings or learning technologies.
What to do Terrans? Well, first, against small infestations help defense. If you are already infected, may help 3 steps. You can demolish 1 level contaminated buildings, then the queen died. Further, it is possible to cut off the production of an infected resource - perhaps the owner of the Queen he would withdraw it. And the third option - to wait until the Queen stupidly filled, and to take action that-be in the future queen to have arrived. Another option is possible when you connect to solve your skill diplomatic conflict resolution and simply talk to infect your player, but it does not stand much hope, we are all the same military strategy.
Тема: Tutorial | 7 Октября 2015 11:54:54
Сообщение #2075
Slow fleet. (ottyag)

So, let's talk about one of the most important concepts for the attacker - Slow fleet (ottyag) before the battle.

Why is it needed? Imagine this situation. You flew to attack any player. It is possible online, and maybe not. If it is not online, the attack will take place peacefully, but if, for example, on some distant planet he is online, he sees your fleet. He may, for example, to tell his friend that, would he flew to his planet to defend it. Or he could send to the fleet. You arrive, and ... break up an exhibition in the defense Fleet (called "def"). How to prevent this? We must somehow, even before the arrival of your attacking fleet, learn - Has the situation on the planet-target? I put somebody def? For this and need ottyag.

Ottyaga bottom line is that your flying attack fleet must in some way before flying slow ("hang out") for a few minutes. In the meantime, you send on the planet Spy / Scout with the mission of espionage, is to know the situation on the planet-target.
How is it implemented? There are two ways.

The first - the easiest, its developers have recently introduced - for a few minutes before the arrival of the attacking fleet go to the menu of sending fleets and click on the special button (circled in green) near the flying fleet, it looks like this:

As you mouse over the button prompt appears "slow down time of arrival of the fleet in the 30s." To the right of the button shows the remaining number of clicks on the button - more than 20 times it is impossible to push. After a one-touch time of arrival of the fleet will slow by 30 seconds, but that's not enough, is to see the spy report and cancel the fleet if put def. Therefore I recommend to press the button several times, 3-4 is usually sufficient, but if you have not yet had training to do everything quickly - can be pulled and 3 minutes (6 clicks) that, to be sure.

The second way - "manually" to delay the fleet. So it is possible to delay a fleet of more than 10 minutes, but it's still not an infinite time. We describe this method as the same, although you most likely will use it rarely. So, looking around the attacker's fleet in the menu sending the fleet button circled in red:

Clicking on it, we get into the menu:

Do not be afraid of the word "ASS" on Saba, we'll talk some other time. The main thing - to place the player of inscribing nickname we enter your nickname and click "Invite." All the floor is made of the case.

Next, go to the menu sending the fleet - there appears the following menu:

It choose our "fighting alliance", as the fleet choose Spy / Scout or other very fast unit, the mission of "joint attack" and most importantly - to adjust to the arrival time of a spy so that, had he arrived a little later than the first attacking fleet - even It can be a few minutes later. The resulting gap of time you need to get proshpionit planet. I note that after this manner ottyaga second fleet (to spy on a mission that "joint attack") can be canceled - "ottyag" to continue.

Which of these two methods to choose - you decide. First-almost as effective as the second, but it takes much less time. However, I just had to tell you both.

Now espionage.

Logically, the spy will likely fly longer than 30 seconds. And sometimes longer than 5 minutes. Because it is necessary to send a spy in advance! And you can even spy on twice - one a spy should arrive immediately after "the alleged enemy" attack time - time for which you originally sent the fleet. The second spy must fly for 10-15 seconds until the new time of arrival of the fleet. How to calculate it all, it will be easier to explain with an example that you can read a little below.

First, delay the fleet (which carry out an operation to postpone the - "pressing" in the first method, for example) do not need to "advance" and almost directly in front of the arrival of the fleet to the enemy planet. This is to ensure that the enemy, would not have time to react (although, to tell the truth, given the spy that you are anyone were to send in advance, the enemy will know that you draw it). For example, if the enemy defyat several waves. If you have a small fleet, so you may well catch. In this case, the enemy sees that you are going to delay, or already drew off, and asks his friend (who put def) to cancel the first fleet DEF. You spy, you see that there is no fleet and "all is well", but in the end you destroy def, who arrived a little later than you proshpionili. This is a complicated case, they are rarely, a general method to deal with them there, but you should know that it happens.

Second, never superfluous to delay the fleet and the second time for a little time (if you have a very large fleet, or you are afraid of losing it). In general, I can say that there is no specific advice - put off "40 seconds" or "5 minutes". And the first and the second method has advantages and disadvantages.

Now give an example of a possible course of action, I hope to study it carefully, you will realize that ottyag - it's easy!

You are flying a fleet attacking an enemy. Suppose arrival time 15:00:00 - three in the afternoon. Around 14:55 you check the activity of the enemy, how to do this will be discussed in another article, while skip this step in the future, you will understand what I mean. Suppose that the spy / Scout / observer to fly to the target 3 minutes. Then 14:57:30 send a spy, he will arrive in 15:00:30. At 14:59:00 produce ottyag ("press the button" if the first method to delay. I remind you that you need to press several times). Shifts arrival time, assume at 15:02:00.
At 15:00:31 look spy report. If you see it, say, "to defend the fleet," strong enough, or had come up new units of the enemy - he could relocate them there, then canceled. Thus saving themselves the fleet from complete destruction. If not - continuing operations.
Finally, at 15:02:01 admire the fight).

Do not forget that 1 ottyag inefficient and need to do two more.
Тема: Tutorial | 7 Октября 2015 11:52:10
Сообщение #2074
Asteroids - captured static objects like planets on which to extract resources.

Outward appearance:

They can not build a mine, but it is possible to extract the resources Recycler / Lurker / Distiller(we will call them slaves). However, I do not advise to engage asteroids before you type at least 50k-100k-points - slaves could carry, so it's a pretty risky way to resource extraction.

To colonize the asteroid should send him Colony ship / Lurker / Sower with the mission "colonize", exactly the same as if you colonize unoccupied planet. If an asteroid is already owned by another player - before colonization need to demolish the fleet and the defense on an asteroid (you can just add to the combat units colonizer). After relocating to the colonization of slaves and mining ests (metals and minerals). Carefully read the description of the slave for the Terran, kserga or Tosa! There's a lot of useful information on production, as well as when the target of a select a captured asteroid, the information you will see the maximum number of slaves that can extract resources on this asteroid. Slaves over the limit a particular asteroid are not mined resources.

A set of characteristics that are important in the extraction of raw materials on an asteroid:
- Size;
- The temperature;
- Field.

The size determines the number of free asteroid fields, but it is minor factor. It happens so that the diameter of the object inspires, and the number of its fields does not exceed the minimum - 12 (for new asteroids. As far as I know, there are still old asteroids, where the number of fields can be less than 12). For new asteroid number of fields defined by the formula [diameter] / 400 of +/- 3 field.
The temperature has a direct bearing on the development of metal and minerals. The higher the temperature, the greater the% metal extraction. The lower - more% mineral extraction.
The number of fields is responsible for the construction of buildings and for the number of processors, which are engaged in production on an asteroid.

You can also add that, after the player has spent 28 days in the PO (holiday mode), it can also be an asteroid attack and colonize, despite the PO.
Тема: Tutorial | 7 Октября 2015 11:47:51
Сообщение #2073
Pirates - cartoon fleet, which appear at different times in different parts of the cosmos.

The composition is different, determined by a secret formula, the essence of which - a thick pirate is a rare, small part.
We can assume the appearance of pirates absolute randomness, that's not quite true, but the fact does not change. There is no relationship between the size of the pirate fleet and players around which they appear, no.

Good to know about pirates:
Pirates appear in the arms of [1-50]
For the pirates, you get 1% of BW
With pirates, as well as with other fleet falls scrap of 30% methane and 30% of the total value of minerals fleet.

Tehi Pirates:

12 Munitions, 12 boards, 12 Structure, 10 regeneration, 10 needles.

12 Munitions, 12 boards, 12 armor, 12 laser, 8 lonka.

12 boards, 12 armor, 10 chargers, 12 and 12 of quantum gravity-equipment, 12 antimaterial weapon (weapons technology is not!);

Pirate hanging on the coordinates of 6 hours.
To find out, when there was a pirate:

1) We send anything to attack the pirate, any unit, even if a fighter, though Upyachka.
2) tab appears fleets flying enemy fleet pirate.
3) Click on the icon Hold (fist) and read the message appears, including where Specified when flew a pirate.

The cycle of occurrence of pirates each account:

Banished_Orakis 00:00 ---> 06:00 ---> 12:00 ---> 18:00 ---> 00:00
Banished_Telsadus 00:00 ---> 06:00 ---> 12:00 ---> 18:00 ---> 00:00
Banished_Zandarnis 03:00 ---> 09:00 ---> 15:00 ---> 21:00 ---> 03:00
Banished_Rasdasiar 03:00 ---> 09:00 ---> 15:00 ---> 21:00 ---> 03:00

Dread_pirate_Xyao 01:00 ---> 07:00 ---> 13:00 ---> 19:00 ---> 01:00
Dread_pirate_Roberts 01:00 ---> 07:00 ---> 13:00 ---> 19:00 ---> 01:00
Dread_pirate_Lucky 04:00 ---> 010: 00 ---> --- 16:00> 22:00 ---> 4:00
Dread_pirate_T-800 ---> 010: 00 ---> --- 16:00> 22:00 ---> 4:00

Wild_swarm_Khronos 02:00 ---> 08:00 ---> 14:00 ---> 20:00 ---> 02:00
Wild_swarm_Gishu 02:00 ---> 08:00 ---> 14:00 ---> 20:00 ---> 02:00
Wild_swarm_Atlackama 05:00 ---> 011: 00 ---> --- 17:00> 23:00 ---> 5:00
Wild_swarm_Marduk 05:00 ---> 011: 00 ---> --- 17:00> 23:00 ---> 5:00

The spread took about 5 minutes.
Тема: Tutorial | 7 Октября 2015 11:45:27
Сообщение #2072
Moon - static objects that have a chance to appear on the planet after the battle.

Luna is produced with some chance after the fight. For every 250 thousand scrap (metal + mineral), formed in the battle, given a 1% chance of the moon. Chance can not exceed 25%.
After the formation of the moon is the "diameter". It affects how hard the moon to destroy. It does not depend on the number of scrap that was spent on the creation of the moon. The maximum diameter of the moon - 8888 km.

After the formation of the moon she once owned by the player, the planet which it was formed. The moon appears in the list of planets that player, and it can go as any other planet. The moon is a lot like the planet - with it you can send a fleet to any mission to build a repository for resources to keep the fleet and resources, build defenses, conduct research, etc .. It is easier to say that the moon can not be made. On the moon, it is impossible to extract resources, it does not assign the capital, it is impossible to capture (or transfer). However, it is possible to build some buildings that can not be built on the planet. Here already is the separation of the races:

For a start, Terran need to build a lunar base on the moon, which will give the field. The fact that the fields on the moon initially equal to 1, and increases with the level of a lunar base. So do not forget to upgrade the lunar base as detuning of the moon. Terrans can build on the moons of the Sensor phalanx and the Jump gate. Sensor phalanx, or just as it is called the players in the local slang, "tether", allows you to scan (a special way - through a button that appears in the menu of the galaxy near the target planet after the construction of the phalanx) alien planets for flying with them / they fleets. You can not only see the canceled mission redeployment. More about it is written in the description of the phalanx. And also do not forget that the halyard itself sees only the planet, but if you bought a 3 level officer of the Emperor you can falit asteroids, with 5 level officer can falit crust. Moon phalanx can not scan, so you can not see any of the fleets flying any missions to the moon using the touch phalanx.

Jump gate - expensive construction, which allows your teleport, as well as being, starting with the 2 level, and your friends and SOAL fleet. Details about teleporting fleet through the Gate will be described in a special article. While reading the description of the limit to the gate.

For a start, ksergu need to build on the moon Incubator, which will give the field. The fact that the fields on the moon initially equal to 1, and increases with the level of the Incubator. So do not forget to upgrade the incubator as detuning of the moon. Ksergi on the moon can build the building Insectoid entity, the essence in short, the gaming slang - drying. It allows the moon (or rather, already drying) to move in space to any location on the planet who do not. SUMMARY can move only within the sleeve, wherein the created. A method of movement is described in detail in the description of the entity. In addition, only on the moon ksergi can build Planetoid unit. For what it is described in detail in the description of the planetoid. Planetoid is often called "Planica."

Separately, please focus: after you have turned your insect moon in essence, it is no longer valid Noob Protection, any player with any number of points will be able to attack it or try to destroy it.

Just ksergi can build on the moon Psi detector. In my opinion, this is one of the most useless buildings in the game, because of the perishable psi disrupter, Terrans seldom build it higher than 1 level.

For starters, you need to build Tossa Pilon, who will give the field. The fact that the fields of the moon is initially equal to 1, and added with increasing level of the pylon. So do not forget to upgrade your tower as detuning of the moon. Tossa moons can build Tribunal. Tribunal - annihilating 1 million Vespa, the Tribunal focuses and moves the fleet flying in range of the Tribunal from outer space right to the moon. The range of the Tribunal increases with each level in the 10000 UKM (except the first). Recharge time - 24 hours.

It is important to note that the moon can be destroyed. To destroy her send Death Stars or usurpers, patriarchy with the mission of "Destruction". Details of the destruction can be found in the description of these units.
Тема: Tutorial | 7 Октября 2015 11:27:33
Сообщение #2071
Navy autosave system - a system designed to simplify life for beginners and protect them from total annihilation, but is useful and players with experience. Its purpose is to automatically save game being on the planet fleet.

If enabled on the planet with the mission of the SAF arrives attack fleet, the fleet of obstruction SAFom, will not participate in combat. Number of Fleet, closes SAFom depends on the limit Safa (you can look at the review of the planet, measured in points, each separated by a planet). However, the flagships and resources SAFom not close, so I advise you to start immediately with the fleet saves resources.

Terrane may increase the limit by using the Hangar (separately for each planet) and ksergi - Shelter evolution. In TOS Safa responsible for the size of the Hangarr. SAF also increase the limit, you can use the Hangar officer.

The fleet, which is under the SAF, when espionage is displayed as "Lord of 30 under the SAF." This means that the 30 lords purpose covered SAFom. It should be noted that the SAF does not work for a minute after landing fleet on the planet. In addition, the solar satellites and droids Toss SAFom not closed.

View avtozaseyvlenny fleet can be on the planet review by clicking on the word "autosave system." Enable or disable SAF for this planet can be on a review of the planet - the button in front of the words "autosave system":

Тема: Tutorial | 7 Октября 2015 11:23:31
Сообщение #2070
Tutorial crafted, for starters, there's all the basic functions of the game, a tutorial will be complemented

Saves. Very important!
Navy autosave system
Moon - static objects that have a chance to appear on the planet after the battle.
Slow fleet. (ottyag)
Espionage targets before flying. Simulation. Check online.
If you have studied this tutorial there is a desire and there will be more questions can contact me.

And also you can add me to mentors by clicking on the menu Recruits / larvae and ukazant my nickname in a row Mentor

Link to original
Тема: Внимание всем. | 4 Октября 2015 18:24:36
Сообщение #2069
А я не понял с каких пор Anarchy Squad стал вражеским?
Цитата: Император
к тому же- вражеский ал. ничего странного не вижу)))

Тема: Анонс ввода ремонта флота | 30 Сентября 2015 00:48:04
Сообщение #2068
Я даже не знаю как относиться к этому нововведению, если б не было такого высокого сафа и оповещения звукового то е плохое, а все вместе...

А так к восстановлению не придраться
Тема: Анонс ввода ремонта флота | 30 Сентября 2015 00:31:31
Сообщение #2067
У меня нет слов одни эмоции, ну вообще по крайней мере сейчас адекватней чем предлагалось раньше

Цитата: вова88
на инстах это не забудте отменить, по причинам надеюсь понятным.

Чесно я не понял, причем тут инсты?) это же не самовостанавливающая в + оба
Сообщение #2066
Цитата: Gii-belle
и если атакер - не копал никогда, он из игры сразу и уйдет.

Вах вах вах, что за бред я слышу и от кого самое главное?=)))
Тема: САФ ухудшен | 27 Сентября 2015 16:18:11
Сообщение #2065
Цитата: Achidutco
И хочу чтобы все остальные игроки знали, что это решение связано исключительно с вашей политикой внесения нерадивых изменений в игру!

Играли раньше без САФА и без этих ангаров и все замечательно было
Сообщение #2064
Цитата: Джокер
а ты в курсе что флот если отправить сейвитс, иногда пропадает?!

Интересно как же мы 6 лет сейфимся ежедневно и не пользуемся сафом обалдеть

что за бред несешь
Сообщение #2063
Цитата: VasyaMalevich
Скоро САФ будет с большой вероятностью понижен ещё на 100.

за это можно и + поставить

Но все же Саф надо выпилить полностью!
и оставить только для сервиса
Сообщение #2062
Цитата: VasyaMalevich
Склоняюсь ко мнению, что луна не должна палить коры, а только планета.

Совершенно верно, можно я повторюсь?
Цитата: Valentin999
почему игрок должен видеть полет на свои коры когда он подперт затычкой мультом РОшным и не играющем???

Цитата: VasyaMalevich
Склоняюсь ко мнению, что луна не должна палить коры, а только планета.

Фишка в том что лун можно делать не ограниченное количество и они подпираются затычками, а планета давала приемущество, некоторое

Прошу ответить на эту тему ВМС все решил путем большенства

Своим балансом вы все сводите к тому что Рулит Только каток и крупный флот и убиваете всю стратегию
Сообщение #2061
Раньше вообще не было видно полетов на коры не когда там планета не на луна! то есть не хрен не нужна она была! Все были недовольны видимостью полета на коры когда стоит планета так как даже лом уже собрать нельзя было по тихому, и в том числе подловить! теперь еще и на луну сделали! не кажется ли что уже пора смещать нового РБ да и вообще пилить тему что баланс подминается в одну сторону?? И что убивается атакующая фишка все время???

почему игрок должен видеть полет на свои коры когда он подперт затычкой мультом РОшным и не играющем???
Тема: САФ ухудшен | 25 Сентября 2015 13:15:35
Сообщение #2060
недавно на 100 подняли теперь на 100 понизили, масло маслянное смысл? вах до 200 понижайте и норм будет
а лутше для боевого флота вообще отменить саф только для сервиса Бт спутники планики и т.п.