Is there any point of playing this game not to mention investing some cash to get some bonuses when someone can play from as many accounts as he wishes and can basically ruin the game for you?
I attack one guy close to my 1000 pts level, then he threatens me from a 36 000 pts account and then attacks me from another account.
Then i saw the same guy was pointed out in the general forum discussion some time ago and nobody did nothing about it.
I mean seriously, this is ridiculous, multiple accounts in star systems one next to another
Yeah I agree I have considered spending money on this game but no way will I pay while a filthy cheat is out to destroy the game. The people running this game are losing money time to get off their butts.
so you banned an account and deleted it for multi accounts, my question is what is stopping him just reopening another account or two or 3., eventually they get banned and deleted , but he will open more new accounts. cant you use his ip address for 1 account only for these offenders only.
I found a multi account and he has not tried to cover it, so you must allow multi account and this if you go by his numbers are like 54 accounts Slavnny to Slannvy53.. 54 accounts found another Slavnny10