xerj mission 8 unbelievable

Group guest

89 days
i bet the reward is not worth one flight slot for three months and 10 million metal!
26 February 2017 16:53:18
26 February 2017 16:53:18
Group guest
vespence you mean
26 February 2017 16:57:43
26 February 2017 16:57:43
Reputation 640
Group humans 62 23 46 Messages 4086
27 February 2017 09:05:53
27 February 2017 09:05:53
Group guest
Destroy them...
27 February 2017 20:20:56
27 February 2017 20:20:56
Group guest
yes dimi vespene 
err destroy who cetron?
27 February 2017 20:57:28
27 February 2017 20:57:28
Group guest
Destroy them.
8 March 2017 03:21:26
8 March 2017 03:21:26
Group guest
again cetron destroy who!
what are you talking about?
who is there too destroy in mission 8?
if you have nothing too say why speck!
8 March 2017 12:04:55
8 March 2017 12:04:55
Group guest
Destroy them.
10 March 2017 20:16:49
10 March 2017 20:16:49
Group guest
11 March 2017 01:14:47
11 March 2017 01:14:47
Group guest
Destroy them.
11 March 2017 03:02:54
11 March 2017 03:02:54
Group guest
you are just proving my point
11 March 2017 11:56:27
11 March 2017 11:56:27
Group guest
what do you know cetron! you have been on this game for almost 2 years and you do not even have 20000 points
no comment from such a weak player will be usefull
11 March 2017 12:02:24
11 March 2017 12:02:24


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