the officers got more expensive on the 13th november this month.
There was no warning and no text below the officers stating that there will be a price increase.
You increase the prices of officers once a month.
Here the proof:
I made this bug report on the 31st october because the officers did increase in price one day too early.
https://xcraft.net/forum/topic_41873There you see the lvl 6 Admiral costs 2496 HC.
https://prnt.sc/lcozy6 This is equal to: 39 * 2 ^ 6 = 2496. Officer cost = 39.
This is a screenshot from today:
http://prntscr.com/lisv67 There the price is 2560 which is equal to: 40 * 2 ^ 6 = 2560. Officer cost = 40.
-> There was NO second price increase on the 1st november (so probably that really was a rounding issue like Victoria said) but this price increase happened on the 13th november! In the middle of the month.
-> There was no warning and no text below the officers stating that there will be a price increase like you see in the screenshot for the second calculation where officer cost is 40 HC.
So officers will become more expensive twice this month.
Looks like there is another issue hiding there.
Officer prices suddenly changed back to the correct values.