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1 Agent and an elite Destroyer ship are delivered on your planet! This is what it says in my quest thing but I cant find it, first question: does it come after you have reached the 36000 stats points, next question: if you attack a pirate fleet from one of your colonys (the one that triggers the destroyer to come, I'm assuming thats what happens) does the destroyer come to that colony or straight to home base. Thanks.
15 April 2019 19:55:59
15 April 2019 23:51:57
: i've built an alstastion on one moon a quay on the other do I need anther moon for a space station?
6 August 2019 04:02:14
I would say you need only space stations at this point, the alliance station is little bit of boost, but not being in an alliance is making it ineffective. Can you even build anything at the quay without spending at least 20,000 crystals on pirate officer, plus doing quest and finding a level in expedition? Right now ops stations what everyone after (we see after new update) so space stations with gravity guns is what you should be aiming for, and as many as you can.
6 August 2019 05:36:52
It won't let me build a space station on either moons it says "it is impossible to build together with alstasion until its upgraded to superstation" and it wont let me delete alstation that I built for a previous quest.
6 August 2019 07:06:47
Yes, once you complete Alstation, Quay, Space station or Jump gate you can not go back to a moon, also can not build 2 of any unless Superstation (start with space station first) and that costs 10,000 crystals to upgrade to Superstation. Says all in the descriptions :( sorry my friend
6 August 2019 07:21:20
ok so start with a space station how? another moon? and what description is this you speak of? Im sorry for all the questions and I really appreciate the help thanks dude.
6 August 2019 07:29:42
Yup going to need another moon. . . .
6 August 2019 11:39:33
Why does the orbiting pirate shoot me?
What is the pirate ship planet attack.
The first time you play games in a long time see such an event.
So will my planet disappear now?
The pirate is so powerful that I can not resist.! What to do.?
What is the pirate ship planet attack.
The first time you play games in a long time see such an event.
So will my planet disappear now?
The pirate is so powerful that I can not resist.! What to do.?
14 August 2019 23:00:35
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