I have a major Problem - black hole, I set a fleet out on a 999 expedition day later I get this

Группа guest
Now, I don't if you people give a shit or not. However, this is a nightly or mostly nightly fleet that I send on 999 expeditions. I pull them back in to add my new builds.

I honestly, do not care if you if you fix this. However, I can promise you one thing. This will be the straw that broke this camels back if you do not reverse this Black Hole bullshit you just sniped my fleet with when I had it on a 999 hour expedition.


Thank you in advance, please review my playing history. Oh, and if you would like to correct this error with a gift. It would be appreciated. :)


Chris aka "Hunts"
5 Ноября 2020 09:42:46
5 Ноября 2020 09:42:46
Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8237
Цитата: hunts
this is a nightly or mostly nightly fleet that I send on 999 expeditions

That particular fleet was sent with 24-hour hold time, as seen in our logs as well as in the screenshot you provided. Since 24 hours is a default hold time, it looks like you forgot to set your usual 999-hour hold time before you sent that fleet.

It's unfortunate that you got a bad outcome from expedition lottery the moment you made a misstep, but it's not a bug on our side.
5 Ноября 2020 10:33:04
5 Ноября 2020 10:33:04
Группа guest
UncleanOne, well, that is not the case. I know how I send my safe fleets out. It was not a misstep, if the front end application had a glitch and went with the default 24 hour time frame how is that my fault. What would be a good fix is simply default to 999 and let us change it from there. This way, you and I both would know that I would have absolutely had to change it from 999 down to 24. That being said, if you guys can not at least make some sort of attempt to remedy this. That in itself pretty much tells me and everyone else that plays this game that the company really does not care.

Show me your logs, this would be nice. You guys obviously will not take my word at face value, why am I supposed to accept your answer at face value. I am trying really hard to be nice here, but you are certainly not making it easy.
6 Ноября 2020 03:09:56
6 Ноября 2020 03:09:56
Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8237
Цитата: hunts
I know how I send my safe fleets out.

We don't argue with that. I see a lot of your fleets that were sent to expedition with 999-hour hold. But also several of them with 24-hour hold, including the one you mentioned.

Цитата: hunts
the front end application had a glitch and went with the default 24 hour time frame

If that's the problem, we would like to know how can we reproduce it, so we can fix that.

Цитата: hunts
What would be a good fix is simply default to 999 and let us change it from there.

Some players still use expeditions for their original purpose (finding random things), and longer expedition hold time also means more fuel consumption, so I don't see the highest value as a good default for everyone.
Maybe as a user setting it will be fine.

Цитата: hunts
Show me your logs

I'm afraid it's not possible, since they are for internal use only. I can cite some non-public info about your fleets (like time of arrival, carried resources etc) to you in private, if you wish to verify that we keep information about them.
6 Ноября 2020 09:38:11
6 Ноября 2020 09:38:11
Группа guest
UncleanOne, Let me be clear here. You are saying I am a liar because your logs report otherwise. However, I can not see your logs because that is an internal process that is not allowed for public viewing. You do realize how bad that looks to the public eye? If that is the rule, that is the rule. Thank you for the big ass FUCK YOU IN MY FACE! Your argument holds no ground, most of your player base uses the expeditions for fleet saving and yet you want to go down this ridiculous road. Change the fucking default UO! This is a stupid fucking conversation to even be having.

UO, do you want us to spend money on your game or not is my real question. Because, I can promise you. If you set the default to 999 and when they did not have the ves to cover the save fleet mode. They would be able to correct it to a number that they can do it with. However, if something happens on either the server side or the client side (our browser) then at least we would have some sort of control to correct it down till we had the resources to send. In my case, I have plenty of resources and apparently something did glitch, but I went to bed thinking my shit was safe.
7 Ноября 2020 04:42:39
7 Ноября 2020 04:42:39
Репутация 63
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 170 63 102 Очков 36 694 095 Сообщений 757
to put it clearly ... I have to agree with the administration in this case ...
he does not have to show a log, because the screenshot clearly shows that you have selected 24 hours as your expedition stay ....
I'm not saying you're a liar - but I'm saying you're not paying enough attention ... I have no idea what you're doing other than the game and they are quick to use the fleet menu with half an eye without checking ... of course that's just my personal opinion now ...

Besides, you are not particularly smart - because if the administration publishes your flight data, then every raider knows where to find your fleet, when, at what times and habits ... The enemy then knows all your objects and fleet size and where and when you are it is useful - even then your active playing time .... you become the fodder and you should thank the administration that they do not publish the logs .....
This is how the administrator protects them from possible enemies ... because he does not publish anything and the enemy is therefore not informed about your logs ...

I've been doing expeditions with 999 hours on 2 accounts for years and she never returned prematurely.

PS: no further discussion is necessary ... I have already discussed the expeditions with you and you did not want to do that with 999 hours in our last discussion .... so I will not answer your follow-up comments - because I did wants to use the game as a game and not as a platform for discussion ...
10 Ноября 2020 02:07:52
10 Ноября 2020 02:07:52
Группа guest
Marek, "Besides, you are not particularly smart - because if the administration publishes your flight data, then every raider knows where to find your fleet, when, at what times and habits ... The enemy then knows all your objects and fleet size and where and when you are it is useful - even then your active playing time."

It doesn't matter if they showed my patterns because the ships are lost.

Why is it so hard or difficult to change the default from 24 hours to 999? We all know that by doing that, it would diffuse this whole issue. Sure, some might actually have to adjust the hour setting down to something they could afford. However, leaving it where it is now certainly leaves the chance of a operator error or a possible internet glitch. They might actually get a HUGE thank you if they did this.

This is a no-brainer simple solution for a problem that does occur on a regular basis. Whatever though, keep on telling yourselves that this is the correct response if that is what helps you all sleep at night.
10 Ноября 2020 02:36:22
10 Ноября 2020 02:36:22
Репутация 63
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 170 63 102 Очков 36 694 095 Сообщений 757
so honestly .. you spend too much money on senseless discussions ..... and it hurts me now to spend more HC for this discussion - since I don't have the money to buy HCs ....

what's so difficult about typing 999 on the keyboard?

In addition, it is a strategy game ... and like in chess you have to be just as attentive - that's the way it is ...

what is so difficult about not putting the queen directly in front of a pawn in order not to lose this piece directly?

If you can't play it with the same amount of attention (as you would in chess), I recommend choosing a game where attention and strategy are secondary instead of constantly throwing money out the window for things with which You clearly can't handle ..

Topic ended for me ....
10 Ноября 2020 17:17:09
10 Ноября 2020 17:17:09
Группа guest
Marek, You don't need to answer this if you don't want to. The topic is not over for me until it is over. You're still trying to say I made the mistake and never considered it being a glitch in either the game or the internet. You say I spend to much money arguing an issue that has plenty of merit that would protect players from themselves, the internet or a possible glitch in the front in.

It is not difficult to type in 999 hours, but it is not hard to type in 24 either.
It has nothing to do with chess, if something happens that is out of our control, at least we would be protected by a 999 default rather than a 24 hour default.
I am not playing chess as you like to say. I am suggesting a remedy to a problem that could make the game better for everyone, including the admins of the game.
I am suggesting a solution to an ongoing issue with the game that requires zero recoding. It is a simple default setting.
I recommend you keeping an open mind to what I have said over and over through this entire thread. Yet, you continue to put it on me as some sort of un-attentive player that only gets mad when things do not go my way. That is not the case.

Topic not over for me. You know I am right and you just don't want to be the guy across the table from me knowing that. They could easily fix this. This is still a stupid problem to have.
11 Ноября 2020 02:46:00
11 Ноября 2020 02:46:00
Группа guest
I have a solution. It's simple, it's easy and doesn't really change much. Be rid of the default altogether. If you have to input the time, every time, the mistake is either on the player or a glitch. Problem solved, everyone happy.
11 Ноября 2020 17:50:45
11 Ноября 2020 17:50:45
Репутация 63
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 170 63 102 Очков 36 694 095 Сообщений 757
hunts, The screenshot clearly shows that you have selected 24 hours ...

if you reach for a pickle jar in the refrigerator, you will be holding a pickle jar in your hand - although you wanted beer in your hand instead ... the same way a program and the calculator works - that's something dead, like a pickle jar and like beer without independent actions ... every action on your computer is what you do .....

Every child knows that if you key in 999 on the keyboard, 999 will appear on the monitor - the screen clearly proves that you have not entered 999!... An inanimate object does not have the intelligence to independently take random actions ...

In principle, you are just proving that your intelligence is lower than the intelligence of a non-living object ... Sorry - I can't say any more after such a discussion in which you prove to yourself with your screenshots what you are actually doing for an object while- entered ...

Of course, you're one of those people who blames the refrigerator for making mistakes.

why I interfere is very simple: Beginners who have no idea are afraid of hiding their fleet correctly on expedition and are then simply shot down!
and that's only because they read such nonsense as you write it ...
Stupid people can do more damage to players with false statements than the administration ...
11 Ноября 2020 21:15:06
11 Ноября 2020 21:15:06
Группа guest
Marek, And I clearly prove that you are equally as stupid as me, by your standards. Heywoodjablome, said it even better than even us both. Make it a null field that requires user input. Otherwise you get an error. Just like we do everything time we try to send a fleet to a pirate that we do not have the vespine for.

Marek, Do you know what sequel is? That is basic old school speak for foolean language //... delete
12 Ноября 2020 08:43:01
12 Ноября 2020 08:43:01
Репутация 63
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 170 63 102 Очков 36 694 095 Сообщений 757
If you don't have the fuel to fly, you're doing something wrong ... sorry ...
There is fuel to pick up in the galaxy ...

Like I said - it's the wrong game for you ...
12 Ноября 2020 09:31:15
12 Ноября 2020 09:31:15
Группа guest
Marek, OKAY, apparently nothing I have said has any merit. Owners/programmers I have tried and tried. You had a shot at making a change.. Time will tell. Later. :)
20 Ноября 2020 06:07:30
20 Ноября 2020 06:07:30
Репутация 26
Группа toss Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 51 105 316 Очков 3 943 913 Сообщений 374
1. By presenting a screenshot you already prove that you have made a mistake ...
They try to use this screenshot as proof that they did not make this mistake ...
2. They are trying to claim something from the administration and from a player that they are not entitled to based on the evidence they have presented against them.
3. They confirm with their knowledge and their incompetence their insufficient knowledge in the possibilities of using the game for a continuous development.
4. they also want to discuss pointlessly - without using their heads
5. Just because you have invested a few cents in the game doesn't mean you can do something, know something ... Besides, the sum of what you have spent is absolutely nothing in relation to what the game operators make - completely insignificant. .... there is nothing special about buying 1 million points and buying and playing utter nonsense ..... that doesn't prove your intelligence .... everyone can see it in all 4 points that I mentioned .. ..

so nobody loses income here if you stop playing the game ... you are completely insignificant with your demands that you are not entitled to on mistakes that you have made yourself .....
sorry .. the discussion you are leading is pointless - you will not achieve anything useful for you .....

I'm just a small player and within 2 minutes I can tell directly from the whole discussion what the situation is. Plus, Marek is just a player who can't and won't meet your requirements and who just informed you that this game is actually not for you ... you should have invested your money in something else ...

The administration has long since closed the discussion and I don't understand why they still want to discuss this with players who are not willing to pay Hydarian Crystals for every contribution - and the player Marek has already made this clear ... he is a Player like you without Money and many strategy...

You can't expect anything from me....

Of course you will try to keep the discussion going ... your conversation is like this now

Hunt: "The grass is red - that's wrong" and you present a photo with green grass
Administration: "The grass is green, you can see that in the photo"
Hunt: "The grass is red ....."
Marek: The grass is green "
Hunt: "The grass is red"
Marek "the grass is green"
Hunt: "The grass is red"
KIM "the grass is green"

guess what Hunt’s next post will be - logically "the grass is red"

I don't know how much longer you want to run in circles - but I won't answer again with "the grass is green" ... my recommendation is just "smoke less of this weed".
and yes, you probably want to continue discussing with me and I have to tell you - use other communication options and friends than trying to entangle others with nonsense in discussions .....
25 Ноября 2020 05:29:29
25 Ноября 2020 05:29:29
Репутация 63
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 170 63 102 Очков 36 694 095 Сообщений 757
https://prnt.sc/vds2pv Your own screenshot already proves that you didn't choose 999 hours as the expedition duration ... it's your own fault and you're just talking nonsense ...

I don't have the hydarian to post the same 100 times!
25 Ноября 2020 05:41:58
25 Ноября 2020 05:41:58
Репутация 33
Группа humans Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran 67 33 25 Очков 4 797 927 Сообщений 1
I have a question about how to use gravity gun, how to set coordinatesi
1 Января 2021 01:42:12
1 Января 2021 01:42:12
Группа guest
Breda your alliance should be able to help you with that. There is several websites that can help you calculate the values to put in after putting in the cords 1 for the gun and 1 for the target you are shooting at. Once you spy the target you will get the local cords that you need for both items.
4 Января 2021 07:37:33
4 Января 2021 07:37:33


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