Мы, лучшие игроки Xcraft, провозглашаем Верховный Совет, высшую народную власть сектора, и клянёмся ставить интересы проекта выше собственных.<br/><br/>
Election of the Balance Editor from the Navy, which were supposed to take place on September 1 of this year,CANCELEDdue to the impossibility of exercising the veto right of the Republic of Belarus by the administration of the project.
The Project Balance Editor isUncleanOne with temporary VETO license.
The political system was developed BEFORE UncleanOne returned to the project.
If there is a positive voteSenate elections may be postponed to September 1People's Tribune.
The Project Balance Editor isUncleanOne with temporary VETO license.
The political system was developed BEFORE UncleanOne returned to the project.
If there is a positive voteSenate elections may be postponed to September 1People's Tribune.
19 August 2021 21:33:32
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