Announce: Colonization technology rework

Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8237
Estimated time of implementation: at Iosif's arrival.

Coefficient of rise in price will be changed from 4 to 6.
Existing technology levels for humans and tosses will be recalculated according to new prices:
· for levels 4-7: -1 level,
· for levels 8-11: -2 levels,
· for levels 12-13: -3 levels.
Satellite count supported by the technology would be reduced to 3 per level. Prenium users would get x3 satellite count, instead of +10.

For xerj the technology will become unavailable, with 50% of its old total cost compensated. Object limit will be determined by maximum level of Spire, each 3 levels giving same bonus as 1 level of technology. Spire's cost will be changed slightly (lower starting cost, CRP going up from 1.7 to 1.8), but without recalculation of existing levels.
Unit spawning requirements will be transferred from Spire to other buildings/evolutions.

In a week before technology levels are recalculated, players will be given an ability to “decolonize” some of their planets, refunding some of the resources spent on them. A new option will be added in planet control menu, analogous to “abandon planet”, which upon usage will take 50% of total cost of everything producible — buildings, ships and defenses — and transfer that as resources to your capital before completing the abandoning. Items and raw resources will be transferred as is. Total amount of resulting resources and items will be listed in planet control menu. This new option will be accesible for a month.
Amount of “decolonizations” will be determined by old level of Colonization technology:
· for levels 4-7: 1 decolonization,
· for levels 8-11: 2 decolonizations,
· for levels 12-13: 3 decolonizations.
None of your objects will be deleted automatically, but after the technology levels are recalculated you can be affected by overpopulation if you have objects not fitting into new limits.

Along with decolonization, there would be an ability to relocate planets and alliance stations (satellites), available to Premium users. To relocate a planet, its destination coordinates must be as empty as possible (a void, unknown planet or abandoned planet, no satellites or fleets). Relocation fee would be 1000 HC.
3 Сентября 2024 13:51:59
3 Сентября 2024 13:51:59
Репутация 0
Группа toss Альянс Freedom Defence Federation 12 7 13 Очков 427 225 Сообщений 3
so there's no reason upgrading Colony Tech atm.
another bad idea
why you delete others opinion about it?
3 Сентября 2024 17:42:54
3 Сентября 2024 17:42:54
Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8237
Цитата: Moldovan
why you delete others opinion about it?

Because this is a “technical zone”, and rules against flood and flame are enforced more strictly here. There's a separate section for complaints.
3 Сентября 2024 17:46:51
3 Сентября 2024 17:46:51
Репутация 18
Группа toss Альянс Ghost Division 89 56 201 Очков 16 643 614 Сообщений 10

then explain us technically why it is necessary to steal from us players again ?

and why should we not cancel all our premiums now ?
3 Сентября 2024 18:12:36
3 Сентября 2024 18:12:36
Репутация 16
Группа humans Альянс United Nations 78 29 44 Очков 6 193 562 Сообщений 22
On my Xerj my highest Spire is 17, so +5 planets. So that takes my total planet capacity to 1+5 plus 1 for Premium = 7...and I have 10 planets with Colonisation 8. If I read this correctly I'll only be entitled to decolonise one planet and the other two I just have to abandon and lose all the resources of pretty well developed planets...this is defintely robbery! THINK AGAIN on XERJ!!!
3 Сентября 2024 18:27:22
3 Сентября 2024 18:27:22
Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8237
Цитата: Magisteria
On my Xerj my highest Spire is 17, so +5 planets. So that takes my total planet capacity to 1+5 plus 1 for Premium = 7...and I have 10 planets with Colonisation 8. If I read this correctly I'll only be entitled to decolonise one planet and the other two I just have to abandon

Right now your highest level is 17, because there's no need to develop it further. You can get it to 21 beforehand, which will bring your expected planet slots up to 9 (1 base, +7 from Spire, +1 from Premium). Then, after Colonization technology level is reset, you'll get enough resources back to cover the cost of these extra Spire levels, and you would only need to decolonize one planet to keep your empire within the new limit.
This change is not intended to hurt your race more than the others.
3 Сентября 2024 18:52:32
3 Сентября 2024 18:52:32
Репутация 2
Группа humans Альянс Confederate Army 20 10 4 Очков 597 182 Сообщений 1
I have 5 planets at level 4. How many will I lose and when is the update to be live?
3 Сентября 2024 19:07:14
3 Сентября 2024 19:07:14
Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8237
Цитата: Tauriel
then explain us technically why it is necessary to steal from us players again ?

We're not stealing anything from you. Everything on the server is the property of server's owners (except maybe for Hydarian Crystals before they are spent on anything), we're just shuffling it around according to owner's wishes. You can find more technical explanations in the license agreement.

From the gameplay perspective, this is a PvP game, so there's no difference for us whether the “number” you care about is 100 or 10, so long as it goes up and down for all players in a balanced way.

Цитата: Tauriel
and why should we not cancel all our premiums now ?

That's your decision, not ours. We're not forcing you to use any paid features.
But if you want some marketing from someone who is absolutely not a marketer, I'd say Premium's bonus planet will become a bit more powerful. Right now if someone has 10 planets and you have 11 after spending the same resources and using Premium, your relative power is 10% higher. But if you both drop 2 planets, and you have 9 while your opponent has 8, your relative bonus would be 12.5% instead.

Цитата: Leader111
I have 5 planets at level 4. How many will I lose and when is the update to be live?

You will be 1 planet over the limit.
3 Сентября 2024 19:15:54
3 Сентября 2024 19:15:54
Репутация 120
Группа humans Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran 69 43 96 Очков 8 110 843 Сообщений 85
Moldovan, · u can complain and vote it off here like we are doing
3 Сентября 2024 19:20:06
3 Сентября 2024 19:20:06
Репутация -2
Группа xerj Альянс STORM 33 20 24 Очков 1 971 715 Сообщений 36
So there will be some kind of prompt a week before this change that will open up a menu so we can choose which planets to decolonize? Is this correct? And as Xerj I will get 50% of the resources I spent on colonization tech levels back? Which planet will those resources go to?

And if I don't decolonize... Which planets will get auto deleted?

And LOL @ the vote thing.... Clearly they do everything to milk the whales. Every change they have ever made has made the game worse for the smaller players and simply more expensive for the players who will spend the extra money ANYWAY. So unless you get those whales to put their foot down, good luck on any petition....
3 Сентября 2024 20:06:57
3 Сентября 2024 20:06:57
Репутация 16
Группа humans Альянс United Nations 78 29 44 Очков 6 193 562 Сообщений 22

For xerj the technology will become unavailable, with 50% of its old cost compensated. Object limit will be determined by maximum level of Spire, each 3 levels giving +1 planet.

It doesn't say, but do I assume correctly there would also be +1 Asteroid and +10 Satellites for each 3 levels of Spire?
3 Сентября 2024 20:12:05
3 Сентября 2024 20:12:05
Репутация 12
Группа xerj Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 75 81 62 Очков 4 993 139 Сообщений 75
Would you admins be so kind and redo your math? This is huge nerf to xerj making it so much more expensive to get more objects compared to other 2 races.

In order to increase number of planets by 1 toss and terran needs to invest 5.5 more then for previous increase.
In order to increase number of planets by 1 xerj needs to upgrade spire by 3 levels with CRP 1.7, so 1.7 + 1.7^2 + 1.7^3 = 9.5 times more then for previous increase. It's not 3*1.7 which would be comparable.

If you want to just move colonization to building, while keeping long term balance then I think CRP of spire needs to be reduced from 1.7 to 1.3 to match with colonization CRP 5.5. (5.2 vs 1.3 would be really close).

Also I think it would be fair to issue resources from technology being removed week before planets are forcfully decolonized. You say we can use it to cover expanses, but the way change is described we actually need to put all the construction costs upfront. Not to mention building spire to 21 or 24 takes huge ammount of time.
3 Сентября 2024 20:33:14
3 Сентября 2024 20:33:14
Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8237
Цитата: bLoWsMokE
So there will be some kind of prompt a week before this change that will open up a menu so we can choose which planets to decolonize?

There will be an extra option in planet settings, where you could use decolonization. It would work the same as abandon, but with compensation of planet's objects, and it will only be usable a limited amount of times.

Цитата: bLoWsMokE
And as Xerj I will get 50% of the resources I spent on colonization tech levels back? Which planet will those resources go to?

Most likely it would be a kind of medal, which you will be able to activate on any planet you want.

Цитата: bLoWsMokE
And if I don't decolonize... Which planets will get auto deleted?

No objects would be deleted without your explicit action (or your enemy's, but that's not relevant here).
Instead, if you have more objects than your current limit allows, you will have an “overpopulation” debuff, which will reduce your production until you fix either the object count or the limit.

Цитата: Magisteria
It doesn't say, but do I assume correctly there would also be +1 Asteroid and +10 Satellites for each 3 levels of Spire?

Yes. Satellites will be gradually given with each level (+3, +3, +4, for total of 10 per 3 levels).

Цитата: kotek
In order to increase number of planets by 1 toss and terran needs to invest 5.5 more then for previous increase.
In order to increase number of planets by 1 xerj needs to upgrade spire by 3 levels with CRP 1.7, so 1.7 + 1.7^2 + 1.7^3 = 9.5 times more then for previous increase. It's not 3*1.7 which would be comparable.

That's not how geometric progressions and their sums work.
For example, full Spire24 costs 240M in 'gas equivalent'. New ColTech8 with same effect would cost 210M.
Then, Spire27 has a total cost of 1190M, while new ColTech9 would cost 1150M. Differences are 950M and 940M respectively, almost dead even.
Then, Spire30 has a total cost of 5850M, while new ColTech10 would cost 6330M. Differences are 4660M and 5180M respectively, so the tech is more costly to develop now.

3 levels of Spire have an equivalent CRP of 1.7^3, or 4.913. There's a bit of problem with initial costs (so it takes a lot of levels for Spire to catch up and become cheaper to develop in absolute values), but we've already decided to use CRP 6 for new ColTech so we are going to adjust the Spire too. (All details for new “new” CRP will be announced tomorrow.)
3 Сентября 2024 21:05:07
3 Сентября 2024 21:05:07
Репутация 3
Группа xerj Альянс Starfleet 51 26 31 Очков 2 965 457 Сообщений 2
I have researched colonisation 9 some days ago. Just finished. I will get 50% which is very far from what I spent for that level. If I knew and waited, I would get back 50% of previous level and would still have all from level 9... Huge difference.
If there is toss's ships (or human) on my xerj's planet, do I get refund from those too ?
How much time we'll have to get ready? Will you change CRP before?
3 Сентября 2024 21:48:35
3 Сентября 2024 21:48:35
Репутация 5
Группа humans Альянс United Nations 76 21 23 Очков 5 201 053 Сообщений 4
the compensation being offered is no where near enough. even if we got the full resource cost of level up back, it would not include the value of resources gained over time, from new colony or colonies or spent on development of said planet(s). nor will we get back the lost time and/ or ships that were used to collect the resources necessary for the tech and buildings upgrades. better to just not do what you call 'Colonization tech rework' or nerf to us players, at all. it is nothing but the harassment of players. the very reason why I call you SoAE, Source of All Evil. which is proven every time you deliberately make things harder for us. if you disagree with my opinion on what you are, then just stop jacking things up on purpose. simple. or you can continue, and drive away more players. the choice is yours.
3 Сентября 2024 22:08:48
3 Сентября 2024 22:08:48
Репутация 120
Группа humans Альянс Combining the Zerg and Terran 69 43 96 Очков 8 110 843 Сообщений 85
UncleanOne, this is a bad idea but lets talk about how we could implement something better than this ie increase the cost of tecnology for all players going forward removing what we already have has a negative impact on all epicaly the smaller players
3 Сентября 2024 22:35:32
3 Сентября 2024 22:35:32
Репутация -2
Группа xerj Альянс STORM 33 20 24 Очков 1 971 715 Сообщений 36
Is there an explanation as to WHY this is happening? Like... Is it just a big F you to the players or is there some legitimate reasoning behind this other than making it so it's more difficult for us to produce resources just for the sake of trying to obligate people to spend more money? I gotta say, that's certainly what it feels like. What were the last few changes? Making pirates more scarce to make it harder to get resources.... and before that.... Make pirates harder 2x harder to kill so it's harder to get resources..... and before that... increase vespene cost for fleet missions.... Let's not forget the change making minerals worth more than vespene.... That one was, AT LEAST, something that really effected the Toss players more than anyone... you know... the players more likely to spend more money....

Why change it for everyone that's the real rub here.... I've been playing this game for over 6 years now, you'd think someone like me would get grandfathered in.... It seems to me they desparately want to push out the people who try to play without paying money, but why screw the people who have been with the project for years even further than they do every time they make a change? I mean, we spent a lot of time building up our accounts just to have them slashed in half because of a game change. Every time I accomplish something in this game there is a change that negates the accompishment.

Anyway, maybe I'm just pessimistic.... maybe the reason is to lighten the server load for benign reasons, or there is some other fairness factor we're missing..... An explanation as to why they're doing this would probably go a long way.... Unless of course my "pessimism" is just "realism" then I suppose an explanation would make things worse. So, in that case, not getting an explanation is an explanation in and of itself.
3 Сентября 2024 22:35:52
3 Сентября 2024 22:35:52
Группа guest
At lest I am not banned for my comments on this change on my Toss acount......well maybe shortly.

Why do you keep making changes that do not improve this game, just make it worse every time you make a change ?

Markets are now dead or over priced after last change.
Production is down after last change.
Now we are going to lose colonys and production ?
3 Сентября 2024 22:50:06
3 Сентября 2024 22:50:06
Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8237
Цитата: bLoWsMokE
Is there an explanation as to WHY this is happening? Like... Is it just a big F you to the players

I think I had a discussion like that before.

Цитата: bLoWsMokE
Why change it for everyone that's the real rub here...
Цитата: UncleanOne
so long as it goes up and down for all players in a balanced way

Reworking things for some but not all would be definitely not balanced in this case.

Цитата: bLoWsMokE
maybe the reason is to lighten the server load for benign reasons

(One of our services decides to act wonky because of some arcane reason, and now every change is because of “server load”. Overmind…)
3 Сентября 2024 23:05:44
3 Сентября 2024 23:05:44
Репутация 0
Группа humans 20 2 2 Сообщений 2
I would ask that if I decolonize a planet that I then won't get the compansation resourses at once. For that amount I don't have an immediate possibility to spend or store it, so it will "Gone in the wind", Instead I would like to recieve it in some kind of wallet or something like that. Otherwise the players get a dubble wamming from this change, a change of wich almost all players are absolute not happy ( English understatement) about. The least you can do if you go on with this change, is compensate them on a fair way. That mustn't be so difficult to do.
4 Сентября 2024 00:57:25
4 Сентября 2024 00:57:25


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