Последние обновления

17-03-2025 15:11:57
Pirate settings have been changed:
· Base fleet count: 500 -> 450,
· Base fleet points: 450 -> 400.
11-03-2025 19:21:10
Base number of pirate fleets increased from 450 to 500.
10-03-2025 12:27:52
Acceleration time for all ships has been reduced by 10%.
05-03-2025 21:25:47
Display all units already lost in the system (lost in space when leaving battle) in planet panel in galaxy menue.
03-03-2025 16:22:30
Base number of pirate fleets reduced from 500 to 450.
Decreased amounts of heavy units and Dreadlisks appearing in pirate fleets.
03-03-2025 8:45:43
Changed bonuses with x2 improvement for officers Queen Victoria, Replenisher or Paranoid from the effects of "Destruction due to critical damage" and "Loss in space".
Added x2 for Queen Victoria.
28-02-2025 21:35:17
Speed March in honor of the 16th anniversary of the Xcraft project 2009-2025
28-02-2025 13:59:37
Base size of pirate fleets reduced from 500 to 450.
28-02-2025 12:37:11
Ability to save units from the effects of ‘Destruction due to Critical Damage’ and ‘ Lost in Space’ by Queen Victoria, Feeder or Paranoid officers
23-02-2025 16:31:56
Base size of pirate fleets increased from 250 to 500.
20-02-2025 15:34:53
Expedition events now occur on average once a day
17-02-2025 19:33:53
When leaving combat, a "wounded" unit is now a unit with less than 99.99% armor
17-02-2025 17:09:58
The conditions for receiving the mission "Latecomers forever" have been changed.
17-02-2025 13:40:01
Pirate settings have been changed:
· Base number of fleets: 360 -> 500,
· Base number of fleet points: 360 -> 250.
14-02-2025 10:53:58
Reduced the cost of Telepath by 2 times.
13-02-2025 19:40:41
The losses of "wounded" units have been returned, details in the topic Дополнительная потеря раненых юнитов флота в конце боя
13-02-2025 12:24:15
The interface has been redesigned and the functionality of tasks has been improved
12-02-2025 20:30:15
Made the order "Long-distance expedition" for players with Premium Изменение механики приказа "Экспедиция"
12-02-2025 13:53:20
The percentage of debris dropped when destroyed and resources returning when buildings are destroyed has been increased from 20 to 25.
28-01-2025 18:55:28
Expedition enabled
20-01-2025 15:47:55
The mechanics of the "Expedition" order have been changed. Details in the order description.
13-01-2025 20:21:37
When a comet is discovered in local coordinates, it will remember the name of its "discoverer".
13-01-2025 17:04:19
The percentage of debris dropped when destroyed and resources returned when buildings are destroyed has been reduced from 25 to 20.
09-01-2025 18:12:45
Space Wanderer base fuel cost increased from 8000 to 14000.
Pirate ship fuel cost reduction now depends on Pirate level instead of Hyperspace Drive.
06-01-2025 18:36:49
Save Column and Row Visibility Settings on the Empire Page for Each Device
31-12-2024 13:48:52
Pirate settings have been changed:
· Base fleet count: 500 -> 360,
· Base fleet points: 500 -> 360,
· Hold time: 12 -> 24 hours.
31-12-2024 13:48:43
Doubled the base amount of metal when destroying moons and the amount of minerals when destroying comets.
13-11-2024 18:37:15
It is prohibited to move buildings without premium
24-10-2024 18:35:31
The Joint Attack order is only available to Premium players.
21-10-2024 18:13:23
Fuel consumption for Entity flights has been increased by 1.25-2.5 times.
09-10-2024 15:34:55
08-10-2024 13:15:18
The SCS building does not need electrification
04-10-2024 21:00:38
Spying on abandoned satellites allowed
04-10-2024 14:45:29
Depletion accumulation rate reduced from [number of weeks]^1.1 to [number of weeks]^0.9.
02-10-2024 20:59:26
Terraformer works independently of electrification and adds construction fields up to and including 09.10.2024.
02-10-2024 14:12:50
The address of the Bestiary has been added to the trade reports
01-10-2024 17:13:42
The possibility of decolonization is active again
01-10-2024 10:43:05
Classical views have been disabled. Xerjs poisoning moved from information to buildings.
01-10-2024 10:27:53
Electrification necessary for the functioning of buildings has been introduced.
30-09-2024 21:12:38
OPS can't be captured, so noob OPS can't be attacked anymore
30-09-2024 19:29:11
The possibility of decolonization is temporarily suspended
30-09-2024 19:02:10
Decolonization and planet transfer are allowed (Announce: Colonization technology rework).
30-09-2024 19:00:09
Changed the order of mining buildings of people in the Empire and Buildings sections
25-09-2024 19:36:15
Depletion accrual is now number of weeks ^ 1.1.
Stopping depletion accumulation for active VM and active order X2 to Storekeeper is preserved, but the value itself will increase.
18-09-2024 14:10:38
Spire cost has been changed ( from 800/100/250/x1.7 to 150/50/120/x1.8 ).
17-09-2024 17:59:40
The cost of participation in the “x2 Crazy” promotion has been changed.
05-09-2024 19:21:04
The orders ‘Espionage’ and ‘Destroy’ are available for nobody's stations.
04-09-2024 20:38:58
The requirement to build a Bank has been changed to require Infrastructure 30 instead of Colonisation Technology.
02-09-2024 16:18:53
Poisoning evolution has been improved:
· Vespene costs have been reduced by 10 times,
· Base poisoning time has been increased from 8 to 15 days,
· Poisoning preparation time is now proportional to [root of structure]/100 (instead of [structure]/100000).
15-08-2024 16:02:46
Toss droids and buildings involved in combat now drop debris according to the general destruction rules (10%).
14-08-2024 12:31:00
Reduce the number of resource piles on an object to one for each resource
14-08-2024 12:12:47
Bounty Hunter Commission increased to 50%
13-08-2024 16:13:34
Insectoid Entity's base preparation and jump speed has been reduced by 2.5 times. Mass Evolution now increases preparation and jump speed by 8% per level.
02-08-2024 15:07:19
New colour to indicate players of allied alliances
01-08-2024 8:26:38
The amount of some defense on pirate OPS has been reduced by ~2 times.
31-07-2024 21:04:02
A month of opportunity to capture all OPS arriving on the quest, regardless of the points of the host pirate (valid for August 2024)
31-07-2024 14:02:33
Added visibility of fleets at presence coordinates (Координаты присутствия)
29-07-2024 12:54:44
Colony ships of all races are excluded from destruction due to accumulated amortisation
26-07-2024 21:21:48
If there is accumulated amortisation at startup, fleet units from the starting fleet will be destroyed for a total number of points equal to a random value between 0 and total Fleet Points Account * 10 if this random value is less than the accumulated amortisation in fleet points.
24-07-2024 11:58:57
The "Keys" section has been moved to the "Tasks" page
Search moved to Notepad
Records into statistics.
It is no longer possible to exit the game (only from the main one).
22-07-2024 16:35:43
Refund of flight costs when turning around during fleet warmupreduced to 50%
22-07-2024 13:58:05
Scourge damage reduced from 666 to 500.
22-07-2024 12:34:44
Extended warm-up when returning from a planet now affects all orders.
18-07-2024 20:06:50
Players with stat points less than 100000 and battle experience of at least 30 are out of newbie protection.
18-07-2024 9:46:17
Hiding information about the owner of an object is disabled for players who have not reached 25k points.
17-07-2024 18:18:18
Bestiary radius has been reduced to 10k сkm per building level. Payment delivery and refunds will be made for another month taking into account the old radius.
16-07-2024 14:00:36
The warm-up time from a planet is now increased by a factor of (1+[diameter]/10000), instead of 1.25 times. ( https://xcraft.net/forum/topic_54060/2#post-951952 )
Increased warm-up on the return trip now applies not only to the ‘Transport’ order, but also to the ‘Occupy’, ‘ Contamination’ and ‘Devouring’ orders.
12-07-2024 20:08:51
The production of major human and xerjs mining buildings and the energy consumption of minor ones are reduced.
10-07-2024 18:03:24
Acceleration time now decreases in proportion to speed to the power of ½, instead of ⅓ ( removal of fleet warm up changes )
09-07-2024 13:55:54
The capture of OPS has been canceled, except for those who arrived on the quest
08-07-2024 20:03:17
The recovery percentage of most defensive installations has been increased.
08-07-2024 15:20:11
Displaying activity detected at an object only for Premium account holders
08-07-2024 14:16:02
Added graphs of changes in points and positions on the statistics page.
05-07-2024 17:37:44
Paid deletion of comments from a player's profile
27-06-2024 7:10:52
When objects are destroyed, items from fleets destroyed with the objects fall into the debris
25-06-2024 14:49:28
Items are hidden in the composition of foreign fleets
24-06-2024 19:37:41
Increased the damage per round of most defensive units.
21-06-2024 12:28:29
The number of broodlings required to intercept an interplanetary missile has been reduced from 4 to 2.
The number of anti-ballistic missile from the mine level has been increased, and the cost has been reduced by 2000 metal and 1000 minerals.
The cost of an interplanetary missile has been increased by 25000 metal, and the speed has been reduced by 5 times.
19-06-2024 14:51:42
Now you can tell by the comet's tail whether it contains gas or not.
18-06-2024 12:45:06
Warm-up time now decreases in proportion to speed to the power of ⅓, instead of ½ (дендра).
17-06-2024 14:56:51
Bestiary's range of action has been reduced to 50k km.
Delivery of payment and return of goods for another month will be carried out taking into account the old radius.
07-06-2024 11:25:29
The Gravity Gun Premium damage bonus now accumulates with a continuous subscription.
04-06-2024 17:32:47
Tosses Hangar bonus to attack Interceptors and Stormtroopers increased from x1.24 to x1.28 per level.
04-06-2024 17:24:54
Increased the damage per round of most defensive installations, as well as Vikings in defense mode.
28-05-2024 20:42:12
Toss Hangar's attack bonus for Interceptors and Assaulter has been increased from x1.11 to x1.24 per level. The attack period of Interceptors and Stormtroopers has been increased from 10 to 12 seconds.
28-05-2024 20:10:14
Viking damage in defense mode is now increased by 8 times, instead of 3.
28-05-2024 19:56:37
Mass damage blocking parameters for light defensive installations have been changed.
28-05-2024 19:37:26
Increased the damage per round of most defensive installations.
27-05-2024 21:37:43
Now any orbital objects are not destroyed when you leave them.
21-05-2024 12:41:44
Fastling's speed has been reduced from 900 to 800.
15-05-2024 14:56:08
The fuel costs of Recycler, Provider and Warp Prism have been increased.
15-05-2024 13:35:12
The amount of metal and minerals dropped when moons are destroyed, as well as the amount of minerals dropped when comets are destroyed, has been increased.
The production of Geyser, Vespene Hole and Green Nexus has been reduced.
13-05-2024 13:55:22
The salvo parameters of the Left and Right human turrets have been changed from 13000x5 to 11000x12.
07-05-2024 13:20:20
Added the possibility of receiving a random discount on one of the officers of any race.
07-05-2024 13:20:20
The depletion reset bonus received from the X2 order of Officer Storekeeper has been replaced by a depletion accumulation stop.
02-05-2024 18:53:25
Space Wanderer fuel costs increased from 7000/6000 to 8000/7000.
29-04-2024 13:10:29
Added a new item Periscope. Drops into the debris after a fight with a pirate.
26-04-2024 16:56:29
The period for issuing orders in battle has been reduced from 20 to 10 seconds.
24-04-2024 20:07:28
The speed of battle has been halved: the round time has been increased from 25 to 50 seconds, the time for accumulating orders has been increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
21-04-2024 19:14:21
Launch x2crazy!
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1 день назад
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 434



31 Декабря 2024 13:21:27
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 2 Просмотры: 1712



12 Сентября 2024 17:01:27
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 2053



14 Октября 2024 13:02:45
Посл. сообщение: ixidor
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 76 Просмотры: 10102



17 Июня 2024 13:52:57
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 2928



20 Апреля 2024 04:17:29
Посл. сообщение: Dragoneye99
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 2963



7 Февраля 2024 14:58:00
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 11 Просмотры: 3583



23 дня назад
Посл. сообщение: Brutoss
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 30 Просмотры: 7073



5 Декабря 2023 00:15:37
Посл. сообщение: Chizkiyahu
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 19 Просмотры: 5816

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

27.04.2023, 05:00am server time [Completed]



26 Апреля 2023 13:11:15
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 3958



17 Марта 2023 06:46:34
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4469



7 Марта 2023 00:37:37
Посл. сообщение: 🌓Marsman
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 1 Просмотры: 4556



18 Февраля 2023 19:12:48
Посл. сообщение: 🐉_KIM_
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 4022



19 Января 2023 14:32:36
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4362

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

16.01.2023, 05:00am server time [Completed]




15 Января 2023 16:12:43
Посл. сообщение: 🐞ymnik
Автор: 🐞ymnik Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4083



20 Октября 2022 02:33:48
Посл. сообщение: 🌎Marek
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 5499



19 Сентября 2022 08:58:37
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4761

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

01.09.2022, 05:00am server time [Completed]



31 Августа 2022 14:16:37
Посл. сообщение: Victoria
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 3998



15 Августа 2022 09:38:42
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 3 Просмотры: 5496



22 Июня 2022 20:10:36
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 5278

Scheduled Maintenance Notification

06.06.2022, 05:00am server time [Completed]




5 Июня 2022 11:12:12
Посл. сообщение: 🐞ymnik
Автор: 🐞ymnik Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 4356



14 Февраля 2022 12:34:34
Посл. сообщение: sekso
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 7 Просмотры: 6943



27 Сентября 2021 20:06:54
Посл. сообщение: UncleanOne
Автор: UncleanOne Ответы: 0 Просмотры: 6272



4 Октября 2021 18:40:52
Посл. сообщение: Jashin
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 6793



16 Сентября 2021 10:05:07
Посл. сообщение: Fafnir
Автор: Victoria Ответы: 4 Просмотры: 5892

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