Regeneration Change

Репутация 362
Группа Terminator 184 33 50 Сообщений 5254
Regeneration no longer restores armour during battle. It now "heals" some of the damage when damage is dealt to armour, reducing incoming damage by 1.5% per level. "Healing" does not affect mass attacks or shots that kill a unit.
Acid Pool and the Radiation ability now affect this effect.
Also Regeneration increases the recovery rate of carapaces per round by 0.5% per level.

The shields of the following units have been changed:
- Scavenger: 0 -> 60
- Mutalisk: 100 -> 200
- Dreadlisk: 250 -> 500
- Leviathan: 10000 -> 40000
- Gigashadow: 0 -> 1500000
- Keeper: 3600 -> 2800
6 Февраля 2024 14:49:09
6 Февраля 2024 14:49:09
Репутация 12
Группа xerj Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 75 81 62 Очков 4 993 139 Сообщений 75
*acid spores?
*of shields?
6 Февраля 2024 15:39:42
6 Февраля 2024 15:39:42
Группа guest
All this is worthless, for the humans, first send a large number of scientific ships against the pirates. 20 seconds later the rest float, you kill pirates without losing anything,
For the xerj, if you have a gigalord you send it first and then the fleet battles and if not with pancors a good number of them you can continue farming the pirates without problems and zero losses
6 Февраля 2024 18:09:33
6 Февраля 2024 18:09:33
Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8237
Цитата: kotek
*acid spores?

No, Acid Pool, that adds extra regeneration to defenses.

Цитата: kotek
*of shields?

Yes, carapace shields.

I've clarified the post a bit.
6 Февраля 2024 19:18:21
6 Февраля 2024 19:18:21
Группа guest
Deleteing posts you don't like don't make them less valid, Also providing no reason to me as to why the post was deleted, Or that the post was deleted given i paid real world money for Hydarian Crystals to have a voice here can be seen as theft. You required a Hydarian Crystal for my to be able to speek, I paid, You removed it without notification as to the reason or that you have, Given HC's are paid for by real world cash, That's theft without refund. If you refund the HC i'll forget about it, Have no interest if you take my post down or not, But i do care about being cheated out of anything, Right now i have 1071, It'll be 1070 after i post this, I expect my refund if my post does not stay up, You decided to take it down, Thus you'll refund me for it. If this one is taken down also i'll expect my Hydro's to go up to 1072 for each message, I'm not a lawyer, But i do know quite a few. Thank you.

I've also got a screen shot this time to present to lawyers, Thank you.
7 Февраля 2024 01:57:08
7 Февраля 2024 01:57:08
Группа guest
BloodDragon, If they removed a post instead of blocking you from the forum you probably got rather lucky, i assume you said some things that were not polite which is against the rules. If they removed it was likely because of this.


You do realize that this is going to buff many xerg pirate units as the reduction of the damage will occur as the last step in the calculation and will therefore apply multiplicatively as a form of damage reduction. It will also reduce pirate aggression against xerj units multiplicatively in all combat calculations. Since a unit that recieves damage save for capital ships dies quite quickly this is actually quite a buff to xerg units in way. Since the change of lost ships was reduced to only 10% or less hp this is actually quite a boon for most xerj units in most circumstances as regeneration only allowed you to save units by regeneration once an overwhelming advantage was reached in the combat. If xerj players learn what this means and play to its strength this is alot better then the regeneration they used to get. It will take signifigantly more damage, as much as 30% more damage to kill a xerg capital ship in a round or two than it did before. This will be a boon in pvp as well if used correctly. (remember its going to stack multiplactively after all other specilizations and technology are already applied)

I am just saying if i was xerj i wouldnt be so quick to complain about this change, their are times when this change will be to their advantage and times when it won't be; a smart player will choose combats that allow it to be to their advantage. If i was one who enjoyed betting, i would wager on this reducing the number of combat losses for xerj rather than increasing them under most circumstances.
7 Февраля 2024 02:36:30
7 Февраля 2024 02:36:30
Репутация 2
Группа humans Альянс No Alliance Project 55 29 38 Очков 2 156 295 Сообщений 1
Victoria, cool, now we wait for shield upgrade for humans and toss🤗 because, you know, now humans assets are way more vulnerable to Zerg than before. I'm just surprised that there were nothing for the pancor....
7 Февраля 2024 07:33:52
7 Февраля 2024 07:33:52
Репутация -2
Группа xerj Альянс STORM 33 20 24 Очков 1 971 715 Сообщений 36
When this post says "Regeneration no longer restores armour during battle. It now "heals" some of the damage when damage is dealt to armour, reducing incoming damage by 1.5% per level" that is a direct contradiction....

How can "no longer restore" and "but heals" be said in the same without being a direct contradiction. Is it just that regeneration no longer restores armor, it just reduces damage to armor?

Then, how does ""Healing" does not affect mass attacks or shots that kill a unit." make sense, this is also contradictory..... So If it's true that the change means that regeneration only adds 1.5% damage reduction per level but does NOT effect the kill the shot, how/when is that calculated?

If I have 100 more armor, and 20% regeneration protection, and an attack deals 80 damage... do I die? According to this post, the answer is yes..... Which makes no sense.

Can someone read the rule in the Russian forum maybe, and write it here again so it makes sense please?
7 Февраля 2024 07:54:38
7 Февраля 2024 07:54:38
Группа guest
Megumin, I may have said something, But i don't remember, But if they don't like what i said, Maybe they should stop making stupid choices so i don't have to be unpolite. I also play as Xerj, There are benefits, But when you take the last "update" *sniggers* It means nothing, As again Xerj pass through sheilds cuasing direct hull damage, The rate of damage is much higher than the rate of regen, That mean's i can still lose way more ships than i should in a simple engagement. My 2nd fleet around 36k points lost 7 ships, Its not much granted, But i was facing a pirate fleet that was not even 1k in points, I was prety much one shoting them, They were toss yet i still took losses i should not have, I checked and they were not destroyed in battle but lost in space, That's BS. There's no way a 36k fleet should take any losses to below 1k fleet, Yet i did. What good is sheilds or regen when it seem's to play no part ? The second your ships come under fire then that's it you have a good % chance of losing it, Or not even that ship, Random ships as it appeared to me. Also i don't mind post's being removed but if they insist i pay to post then i insist they refund that, I spent money to have my say, If i broke rules they should inform me i did so, That way i could restate my argument, They did not, Nor did they inform me it was taken down either, Way i see it they attempted to steal from me by making this forem paid, They're choice to do that not mine, I've not seen another forum where i need to pay to say anything, So if they're gonna charge they need to refund, That simple, Or as said at least let players know there posts have been removed and why.. I'm not asking the heaven's to be moved, This is the least they should do, More so since they decided to make this paid to talk, Making it so makes them liable for the loss of my money. Like paying for something but you don't get what you paid for, Well you spent the money, They did not give you what you paid for. I'd be happy if they actually just informed people in future that posts were removed, It's the decent thing to do and as said what i consider the least they should do. Sorry for the long post.. Brain's friend from work and not working to shorten this. Hope you have a good day.
7 Февраля 2024 08:26:06
7 Февраля 2024 08:26:06
Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8237
Цитата: BloodDragon
Maybe they should stop making stupid choices so i don't have to be unpolite.

Ah, yes, the good old “she was wearing a miniskirt, of course I had to rape her”. Greatest argument of all times.

Цитата: BloodDragon
If i broke rules they should inform me i did so

You had to read and agree with them before you started the game. It is your responsibility to follow the rules, and you were informed about it.

Цитата: bLoWsMokE
When this post says "Regeneration no longer restores armour during battle. It now "heals" some of the damage when damage is dealt to armour, reducing incoming damage by 1.5% per level" that is a direct contradiction....

The word “heals” is in quotes specifically to signal that it isn't used literally.

Цитата: bLoWsMokE
Is it just that regeneration no longer restores armor, it just reduces damage to armor?

It no longer restores armor and just reduces damage.

Цитата: bLoWsMokE
So If it's true that the change means that regeneration only adds 1.5% damage reduction per level but does NOT effect the kill the shot, how/when is that calculated?

It is checked when damage from non-fatal shot is applied to unit's armor.
Mass attacks are always fatal, so regeneration is not checked there. It's the same as with old regeneration: it could recover armor over time under sustained fire, thus increasing survivability, but it didn't help against burst damage.

Цитата: bLoWsMokE
If I have 100 more armor, and 20% regeneration protection, and an attack deals 80 damage... do I die? According to this post, the answer is yes.

No. I have no idea how did you read the OP like that.
If you take 80 damage with 100 armor and 20% regeneration, your unit survives and loses 80*(100%-20%)=64 armor. As if 20% of that damage (i.e. 16) was regenerated instantly.
If you take 100 damage in same situation, your unit dies.

Цитата: Megumin
You do realize that this is going to buff many xerg pirate units as the reduction of the damage will occur as the last step in the calculation and will therefore apply multiplicatively as a form of damage reduction.

Of course. Old regeneration was also a form of damage reduction, but much less intuitive. E.g. unit was damaged for 50% of its armor during the round but regenerated 15%: that was essentially 30% multiplicative damage reduction.
7 Февраля 2024 13:52:37
7 Февраля 2024 13:52:37
Репутация -1
Группа toss 19 13 16 Сообщений 4
UncleanOne, It is checked when damage from non-fatal shot is applied to unit's armor.

Right that's where I got that last part from. If you're almost dead, then how does it know to check from a non fatal shot if that shot would not be fatal with the damage reduction, but WOULD BE without it.

Hence.... armor = 100 right? That means you have 100 armor + 20% damage reduction..... so the attack must be 120 damage for a kill shot right? So, if it's a kill shot the 20% reduction doesn't count.... so then does the attack only have to be 100 damage instead of 120 since the 20% doesn't count?

That seems ridiculous doesn't it?

(Sorry when I said the 80 I was speaking of it as extra armor instead of armor reduction. Like... If I have 100 armor and the 20% is included, that means I have ACTUALLY 80 armor..... so a kill shot would only need 80 damage instead of the 100... It's KINDA the same thing, but if you look at it that way it would be completely confusing as to when the kill shot bypass of the regeneration would actually take place.... it was my mistake It's damage reduction not extra armor.... But even still it's a little ridiculous that all of a sudden at a certain health dependent on the attack damage your extra 20% just disappears)

And last thing.... What do you mean by the term "burst damage". Could you give an example of this?
7 Февраля 2024 14:26:54
7 Февраля 2024 14:26:54
Репутация -188
Группа Terminator 98 7 48 Сообщений 8237
Цитата: Just_bLoW
But even still it's a little ridiculous that all of a sudden at a certain health dependent on the attack damage your extra 20% just disappears

The old version of regeneration had exactly the same behavior. You take non-fatal shot, restore a bit of armor before the next comes. Then you take fatal shot and however high your regeneration was it isn't restoring anything anymore.

Цитата: Just_bLoW
What do you mean by the term "burst damage". Could you give an example of this?

“Burst damage” is a common gaming term that usually means comparatively strong but infrequent attacks. E.g. Gravitational Distorter shoots once in a round, but each shot has high power — that's an example of burst damage. Constrasted to units like Void Ray, which have similar damage per round, but deliver it with smaller shots over time.
7 Февраля 2024 14:58:00
7 Февраля 2024 14:58:00


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