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The Game Guide

Сообщение  Сообщение #1 
Репутация 84
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 321 56 123 Очков 72 077 900 Сообщений 565
Hello! I want to present you some of the game guides written by me and translated into English. If this information, translation and design like to English-speaking players, I will continue to create new guide articles.

I express my gratitude to qwertyII, he was a grammar reviewer.

Table of contents:

- Fleetsaving.
- FAS (Fleet Autosave System).
- The characteristics of the planets.
- Asteroids.

Yours respectfully, Ulrezaj 29.03.2017
29 Марта 2017 02:43:25
29 Марта 2017 02:43:25
Сообщение  Сообщение #2 
Репутация 84
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 321 56 123 Очков 72 077 900 Сообщений 565
Fleetsaving. Very important!

Effective Means of Fleetsaving.

Fleetsave is a process of sending your fleet and resources on a flight for the duration of your absence from the game or in the event of an enemy attack.

One of the most important aspects of a good fleetsave is the amount of time it takes for the fleet to return from a mission to the planet or moon of origin. All fleetsaving techniques require that the player be online before the fleetsaving mission returns. This is done so that attempts to save your ships from phalanx hits, debris field watch attacks, or "lucky" attacks can be planned and executed between the time when your ships return from their fleetsave mission and the time of the enemy attack. A player must take into account how long a fleet will be safe in flight and always be online before a fleetsave returns.

It is important to note that missions such as ACS attack/defend, attack, deployment, harvesting and transport have a time period when the ships travel to their destination and a time when they return to their planet or moon of origin. Adding these two aspects of a mission together gives the total time that a fleet will spend "flying" and remains safe from attacks.

Deployments are different from other missions because it is the only fleetsave mission that is one-way. Therefore, the total flight time is only a measure of how long it takes a fleet to travel from point A to point B.

Recalling missions always returns the fleet in the same amount of time it has already spent flying. Therefore, if a fleet has been flying for 4:05:23 when it is recalled, the fleet will take 4:05:23 to return to its planet of origin, making a total flight time of 8:10:46 for the fleet.

This is a summary of some of the means of fleesaving that cannot be seen by a Sensor phalanx:

Classic means:

Attack mission from a moon to another moon/planet
Deployment mission from a planet to another planet that has been recalled
Deployment mission from a planet to a moon
Deployment mission from a planet to a moon that has been recalled
Deployment mission from a moon to another moon

Non-classic means:

Deployment mission from a planet to an non-exist Insectoid entity
Expedition mission from a moon

Deployment mission from a planet to an non-exist Insectoid entity is used when you cannot cancel the deployment mission to another planet and you don’t have a moon. How it works: a fleet reaches the target, it finds that the moon / Insectoid entity is not there, and automatically returns. This method is very useful for newcomers.

Expedition mission from a moon can be used so that your fleet will not spend a lot of vespen by holding the 10th coordinates. It allows you to save the fleet for a long time, up to 999 hours, but long journeys can be very expensive.

Ways to avoid phalanxes:

Moons cannot be phalanxed.

If you have a moon, there is no excuse for your fleet being crashed, short of a connection loss, natural disaster etc. If you fleetsave from a moon to another moon, no one can phalanx you and you can therefore feel relatively safe.

The recalled deploy.

Phalanxes cannot see recalled deployments. So, if you deploy, and are being phalanxed, YOU WILL KNOW BY SEEING AN INCOMING ENEMY FLEET TIMED TO ARRIVE SECONDS AFTER YOURS. In this case, recall your fleet and you can consider yourself safe - although you will face the wasted vespen. Of course, this is much better than having your entire fleet destroyed. If your fleet is very valuable, the rival may use his phalanx on your fleet once per minute in order to capture the exact time you recall. The common result of this tactic is that the attacker will get an error of 30-60 seconds, which allow you some time to fleetsave again.

The multi-deploy package system.

Fancy deploying your ships but are worried about it being phalanxed and destroyed? Send it off in chunks. A player may phalanx you, but ultimately you will only lose a fraction of your fleet instead of all of it.

Some very good players may crash fleets by learning your online times and therefore knowing when you fleetsave, allowing them to time their fleets closely, even without a phalanx. To avoid this, fleetsave using different tactics, different times, or by splitting your fleet up for maximum safety.

Ultimately, remember that players will always attack you if it is profitable for them. If you leave resources or ships lying about, they are sure to be destroyed and the attacker will get your hard-earned resources instead of you. So, make yourself unprofitable by fleet-saving, resource-saving, and building defenses, and you will progress a lot quicker. If your alliance is at war, then the rules are different and players will attack you even if you are unprofitable, giving players that use fleetsaves a decided advantage over players that build defenses.

Fleetsave flights that start from a moon will return to the coordinates above a moon if the moon is destroyed while the fleet is away. Therefore, I advise fleetsaves using the deploy mission from the moon to the planet below using the minimum speed. It is better to buy a very slow unit (Lex for terran or toss, Deathstar/Lex for xerj) for inclusion in the fleet.
29 Марта 2017 02:44:37
29 Марта 2017 02:44:37
Сообщение  Сообщение #3 
Репутация 84
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 321 56 123 Очков 72 077 900 Сообщений 565

Fleet Autosave System allows you to hide a fleet from planet attacks of the enemies up to a certain limit. The development of special buildings, technologies and Protector can increase the limits of the fleet points, which automatically avoids combat when the FAS is on. If the scores are not enough, you can hide the small civil (auxiliary) fleet. You could not hide flagships at all. The system turns off automatically:
- if your own fleet landed the planet a minute ago (disabling affects only the fleet which has returned).
- if a player is inactive for more than 28 days.

Terran may increase the FAS limit by using the Hangar (separately for each planet), Xerj by using Shelter evolution, Toss by using Hangar similar like Terran.

Information about FAS and change FAS mode you can at the Planet overview:

29 Марта 2017 02:45:49
29 Марта 2017 02:45:49
Сообщение  Сообщение #4 
Репутация 84
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 321 56 123 Очков 72 077 900 Сообщений 565
The characteristics of the planets.

In order to colonize planets, you can use the Colony ship (Terran), Luker (Xerj), Sower (Toss). To colonize a new planet, send any of these ships to an unoccupied location in the galaxy by choosing the mission "Colonization". This procedure applies to any player who built the colonizer (in future use, the word "colonizer" will be mean a Colony ship, Luker or Sower).

Each planet has characteristics, including diameter, temperature (minimum and maximum), the number of fields (the maximum number of places available for construction), type (landscape), and icon (it is just a picture, but it helps to determine the type of landscape). After reaching level 5 Espionage technology , information on the diameter and temperature of the planets which have an icon (not a question mark) can be found in the galaxy menu by clicking on the planet. Information about your planet can be seen in the Planet Overview.

More details about each characteristic:

It has a range from 5000 km to 30000 km. Special planets may have a diameter of up to 100,000 km.
Diameter determines:
- Xerj income from Providers.
- Xerj income from Landslide.
- Toss income from Planetary ripper.
- Planetary destruction (PD) chance of destroying a planet. Some ships have PD ability (Jovian, Gigashadow, Matriarch and Supernova star). The larger the diameter of the planet, the lower chance of PD (up to 96%, capitals cannot be destroyed). It is generally safe, in terms of PD, to colonize planets over 15k-20k in diameter. Diameter is a constant characteristic of the planet.

Temperature ranges from -120 to 120 degrees on planets.
Temperature determines:
- Terran - Energy income from Solar satellites.
- Xerj - Energy income from Overlord depends maximum temperature. Higher maximum temperatures on a planet allows greater energy production.
Vespen income from Vespen refinery (Terran), Extractor (Xerj) and Green droid (Toss) depends on the maximum temperature. Lower maximum temperatures on the planet allow for greater production of vespen.

From an economic standpoint, the most advantageous to colonize the cold planet.

Xerj and Toss will do better to colonize cold planets; than colder, the better.

Terrans are better to colonize planets with temperatures from -80 to -40°C so that solar satellites can generate enough energy.

Temperature is a constant characteristic of the planet.

Fields for buildings.
Information about the number of fields on a planet is on the Planet overview:

Each level of any building requires one field for construction. Terrans should colonize planets with the number of fields in excess of 270-300. If in the future the planet will become the player’s capital, 300-320 fields is better. For Xerj or Toss players, a colony with 250 fields is enough, but it is better to find a planet with field numbers in excess of 270. In order to increase the number of fields on a planet, use a Terraformer (or a Terran, 7 fields per level, which occupies one field itself and consumes energy), Creep colonies (Xerj defense, one field for each 250 creep colonies), Tectonic converter (Toss, six fields per level, which occupies one field itself). It is impossible to check number of fields before colonization. Field number is a changeable characteristic of the planet. Each re-colonization of a planet randomly determines the number of fields.
We strongly recommend that you find a planet with the required number of fields so you do not spend resources for the construction of field generating facilities. The price of 20-30 colonizers is much less than the price of the facilities needed to increase the number of fields!

Different planets have different average temperatures and landscape, factors that influence the production of resources. Metal income on dry planets is increased by 3%. Mineral income on wet planets increases by 2%. Vespen production on gas planets increases 8%. You can see what type (landscape) of planet you have in the Planet overview. Landscape is an unchangeable characteristic of the planet.

The landscape type of planets can be determined by their icon:

Immutable characteristics are generated at the first colonization of a planet (before the first colonization, it looks like a black circle with a question mark and does not have an icon).

Changeable characteristics of the planet (at the moment, only the number of fields) are generated anew with each colonization. For example, if you colonize a planet, and find that there are only 50 fields, you can delete it (on the Planet overview, in the classic interface "[operation]", in a realistic interface it called the "Rename / leave", in a realistic interface it called the "Modify") and re-colonize to change number of fields.
29 Марта 2017 02:46:55
29 Марта 2017 02:46:55
Сообщение  Сообщение #5 
Репутация 84
Группа Government Альянс OnlyOneTeam4Rever 321 56 123 Очков 72 077 900 Сообщений 565

On asteroids, you cannot build mines, but it is possible to acquire resources using Recycler / Provider / Distiller (hereinafter called recyclers). However, I do not advise capturing asteroids before you have more than 50k-100k stat points. Recyclers can be killed by enemy players, so it is a risky way to mine resources.

To colonize an asteroid, you should send a fleet with a Colony ship, Luker, or Sower in it using the mission "Colonize", in the same way that you colonize an unoccupied planet. If an asteroid is already owned by another player, you need to eliminate any enemy fleet and the defense on the asteroid (just add combat units to the colonizer). After colonization and deploying recyclers, you can mine resources (metals and minerals). Carefully read the description of the recyclers, as there is a lot of useful information about mining formulas and the maximum number of recyclers on your asteroid. Recyclers over the max. number do not mine additional resources. The size of the asteroids somewhat determines the number of available fields, but this is only a minor factor. For asteroids, the diameter of the asteroid and the number of fields are not necessarily related. For example, asteroids may have a large diameter, but a small number of fields (although never less than the minimum of 12 fields). (Old asteroid fields where the field count may be very large, but having a small diameter, still exist). For new asteroids, the number of fields is determined by the formula [planet diameter]/400 +/- 3 fields. The temperature has a direct influence on mining metal and minerals. A higher temperature increases metal income. A lower temperature increases mineral income.
The number of fields determines the max number of recyclers that can be mining on an asteroid.

After a player that owns an asteroid has spent 28+ days in the VM (Vacation Mode), it is possible to attack them and colonize the asteroid field.
29 Марта 2017 02:47:59
29 Марта 2017 02:47:59
Сообщение  Сообщение #6 
Группа guest
Can someone upload new photos with type of landscape on planets?
24 Июля 2018 22:20:56
24 Июля 2018 22:20:56
Сообщение  Сообщение #7 
Репутация 0
Группа xerj Альянс Phoenix-Warriors 6 1 1 Очков 32 370 Сообщений 1
Hi When you colonize a planet,how do you proceed constructing buildings on the new planet?
23 Мая 2024 14:04:40
23 Мая 2024 14:04:40
Сообщение  Сообщение #8 
Репутация 0
Группа humans Альянс Confederate Army 13 1 1 Очков 134 626 Сообщений 1
How do you move to a diffrent territory
9 Июня 2024 22:33:00
9 Июня 2024 22:33:00
Сообщение  Сообщение #9 
Репутация 0
Группа xerj 8 1 6 Сообщений 1
Seems to be harder to it now since u don't see whole map
15 Июня 2024 16:13:00
15 Июня 2024 16:13:00


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