Entering holes for xerjs

Reputation 358
Group Terminator 183 32 50 Messages 5244
We introduced new buildings for xerjs.

Metal hole
Mineral hole
Vespen hole

I remind you about the action

At the weekend, 29-30 August you will get 10% bonus when you buy the Hydarian crystals through Xsolla.
28 August 2015 13:43:08
28 August 2015 13:43:08
Group guest
Is the 10% only for Xerjs or any one
28 August 2015 16:01:26
28 August 2015 16:01:26
Group guest
ty for the awesome looking new buildings,

i would like to ask a slight buff at both mineral and Vespen production from those new buildings, regarding the ratio res/energy cost.

apparently the production for same lvl building is : Metal 4 | Mineral 2 | Vespen 1

a ratio of : Metal 4 | Mineral 3 | Vespen 1.5 (comparing to the actual outcome) would be better.

or reduce the energy cost, that'll work too ^_^

anyway thank you very much, these new buildings makes the situation better overall for Xerjs so we will cover a bit of the low income from our mines =D
29 August 2015 01:29:56
29 August 2015 01:29:56
Reputation 358
Group Terminator 183 32 50 Messages 5244
Quote: Bruce
Is the 10% only for Xerjs or any one

For all, for each race
29 August 2015 06:17:35
29 August 2015 06:17:35


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