Thermonuclear power plant, tribute and other changes.

Reputation 354
Group Terminator 180 32 50 Messages 5222
1. The lack of visibility of some symbols for foreign races was fixed.

2. The idea of visibility of smth that flies to the coordinates not only from it’s planet, but also from the moon was implemented.

3. Territorial tribute for the players who have less than 25k points has been disabled (Now for them on foreign soil will be marked always -1).

4. Psi detector now starts to work on radius, and not along the sleeve as before. (later you will see it, not at this moment).

5. Thermonuclear power plant improved; at high levels it will be able to notice a positive difference. (during commissioning you could see some energy jumps)

Coming soon:
Slight, unique bonus for Psi disrupter is under developing.

Not very soon:
Start developing of new quests and new types of pirates (new development of pirate planets with quays)
25 September 2015 16:01:58
25 September 2015 16:01:58
Group guest
you guys and galls could make it more simple . The idea of visibility of smth that flies to the coordinates not only from it’s planet, but also from the moon was implemented. explain this what does that mean
25 September 2015 20:18:03
25 September 2015 20:18:03


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