Open voting: How many pirates do you think would be reasonable to find in 1372 systems? // How many pirates do you think would be reasonable to find in 1372 systems?

5 is too many, on average there should be fewer of them. - 1 (2%: deRooij)

- 0 (0%)

5 (the current amount is just right.) - 1 (2%: Antip)

- 0 (0%)

There should be such pirates in 1% of systems ~14 on average - 0 (0%)

- 0 (0%)

More than 1%, but less than 3% (14 – 42) - 2 (4%: slava_k, M-M)

- 0 (0%)

More than 3%, but less than 7% (43–98) - 5 (10%: Fox174, CABP, filipi, Darkside, JoJo)

- 0 (0%)

I believe we need an adaptive system that increases the rate and number of pirates spawning in areas where they are frequently eliminated. We need to dramatically increase the number of spawns, especially on weekends when players have free time to take advantage of these benefits. This is the only way to get subscribers and money back into this game. - 40 (82%: Evgeny1912, granti-66, goni74, Legende_ZH, Metropol, Tristan, sahson, alex79, KA-52, Van_Hellsing, Thanos, WOMAN_VIRUS, MaratK, Wargod, rassssol, vetrogen, kristinay23, kaa86, intikam, maks197457, Тосс58, Sashka033, ARLECHIN, SDA, Fanta, hatinsv, siDiX, Orakis, Rieekan, Frytz, Nameless, Vitaly, Membar, Cubic, Kulibin, Soulfly, Aikidoka, SeksSimvolMira, SpliS, Denis11)

Total voted: 50.

Pirates are extinct. Pirates have gone extinct., I searched 1372 systems for pirates and found 6 above 3000 points and

Post  Post #1 
Group guest
I searched for pirates in 1372 systems in about 13 system widths from 1 to 87: 415 - 430, I had a filter set to only show fleets rated above 3000 points.

I found one fleet with 16000 points and 5 more between 3000-4000 points, screenshots are attached below.

It is understood that the administration has reduced the spawn rate to almost zero to compensate for changes to the combat system that were not adopted properly. Unfortunately, it is no better now than when the losses in the attack on the pirates were insurmountable.

This was not during a period of high server activity, it was a weekday and outside the main activity hours in Russia. This weekend was so bad that most people I know didn't even bother to fly for the crumbs that were available.

Did the game just die?

Are there any plans for a new source of income or is it just game over for players who don't already have a dozen OPS and a bunch of asteroids to feed themselves?

I would be very grateful for the administration's comments on this matter.

I believe we need an adaptive system that increases the rate and number of pirates spawning in areas where they are frequently eliminated. Especially on weekends to dramatically increase the number of spawns when players have free time to take advantage of these benefits.

The reality is that the more people play and fly, the more likely it is that the administration will gain subscribers and buy Hydras for resources or ships, and this will go a long way towards this.

I want to post this in English as well as Russian, so the message gets out to the entire community.

I searched for pirates in 1372 systems in about 13 system widths from 1 to 87: 415 - 430, I had a filter set to only show fleets rated above 3000 points.

I found one fleet with 1600 points and 5 more between 3000-4000 points, screenshots are attached below.

It is understood that the administration has reduced the spawn rate to almost zero to compensate for changes to the combat system that were not adopted properly. Unfortunately, it is no better now than when the losses in the attack on the pirates were insurmountable.
This was not during a period of high server activity, it was a weekday and outside the main activity hours in Russia. This weekend was so bad that most people I knew didn't even bother to fly for the crumbs that were available.

Did the game just die?

Are there any plans for a new source of income or is it just game over for players who don't already have a dozen OPS and a bunch of asteroids to feed themselves?

I would be very grateful for the administration's comments on this matter.

13 February 2024 01:23:45
13 February 2024 01:23:45
Post  Post #2 
Reputation 93
Group Government Alliance Тень 236 81 259 Points 39 569 762 Messages 133
As far as I know, the way it works is that where there are more players, there are more pirates. This was changed some time ago. Before it was the other way around, and you found more pirates where no one was active. It is not relevant to search thousands of systems where there are no players, there will be almost no pirates. I also remember that there are more pirates at the weekend than during the week.
13 February 2024 11:01:55
13 February 2024 11:01:55
Post  Post #3 
Group guest
ARLECHIN, This is in shadow space, its not the most populated area, but there are alot of bases around of large players.

How the current system works is that each pirate spawns 1/4 of its fleet every 6 hours these spawns are offset by and hour and they are proportional to the number of points of the players in that area and maybe the total production in the area that they spawn. Each spawned pirate fleet will stay spawned for 24 hours before flying away and a new spawn replaceing it. There is no diffrence in spawns on the weekend as opposed to the weekdays. This means that every hour on the hour 3 or 4 pirates spawn 1/4 of their fleets.

My suggestion is to inscrease the spawn amounts on the weekends as well as create a mechanism that will force greater spawns in areas where pirates live for a very short period of time. (perhaps over weeks or months) This will allow any area to become a hot spot so to speak if pirates are agressively hunted. it also makes sense with the change to the radius of recoverable fleet being reduced to 10,000c kilometers, they want people fighting close to their bases so lets make it so they can.

This is not some attempt to scream to make things more profitable, i honestly belive that the more time people spend in the game playing the more likely they are to spend money on it. People want the ability to advance and progress and this would go a long way to enableing smaller players to catch up as well as allowing people to play during the times when they have the free time to do so, like the weekends.
13 February 2024 22:57:57
13 February 2024 22:57:57
Post  Post #4 
Reputation 93
Group Government Alliance Тень 236 81 259 Points 39 569 762 Messages 133
The only way to advance FAST is to spend money :) - No money, no fun
At the end of contest i have 174.608 Pins. And i was on the seccond Place. The player on the first place have much more but also twice morge Fly Slots as i. Well i think they are enough pirates if you want to be Big with killing Pirates you must change your Strategy. Thats my opinion
14 February 2024 12:10:07
14 February 2024 12:10:07
Post  Post #5 
Reputation -189
Group Terminator 91 7 48 Messages 8039
Quote: Megumin
How the current system works is that each pirate spawns 1/4 of its fleet every 6 hours these spawns are offset by and hour and they are proportional to the number of points of the players in that area and maybe the total production in the area that they spawn.

That's not how the current system works.

Quote: Megumin
My suggestion is to inscrease the spawn amounts on the weekends

We already have a modifier for pirate spawn that depends on online players count. So with more people playing there are more pirates to hunt.
14 February 2024 14:12:15
14 February 2024 14:12:15
Post  Post #6 
Reputation 379
Group humans Alliance Sanctuary 118 48 28 Points 13 773 470 Messages 25

hi UncleanOne,
would it be possible to get an complete up to date ruleset on how pirate spawn rate is calculated? With all parameters included?

Thank you and best regards
15 February 2024 18:02:25
15 February 2024 18:02:25
Post  Post #7 
Reputation -189
Group Terminator 91 7 48 Messages 8039
Quote: Cubic
would it be possible to get an complete up to date ruleset on how pirate spawn rate is calculated? With all parameters included?

15 February 2024 21:24:48
15 February 2024 21:24:48


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